Complete transition words list

How to Use Transition Words on Your Paper and the complete transition words list

Complete transition words list
This entry is part 13 of 20 in the series English Grammar elements

What are transition words?

Transition words are used to connect words, phrases, sentences, and paragraphs. With these words, the idea of the text is easier to be understood by the reader. Otherwise, they can build a coherent relationship in the text. Commonly, transition words are crucial for you who want to create essays and papers.

Besides linking the ideas, transition words also can introduce a new shift, emphasize agreement, show contrast or opposition, or show a conclusion. With the different functions of each transition word, you should know how to use the best transition word for your ideas.

Types of Transition Words

There are many types of transition words depending on their functions. Those are additive transitions, adversative transitions, causal transitions, and sequential transitions. Get the details and examples of each transition word in the following explanation.

Additive Transitions

Additive transitions are used to show the current point. You may find this type of transition in many texts. This transition also can be used to add another idea to your writing.

In the first placelet aloneadditionally
andin factnot to mention
oras welleither
tooin factto say nothing of
indeedin additionon the other hand
moreoveractuallymuch less
furthermorealternativelyin all honesty
furtherbesidesto tell the truth
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Adversative Transitions

When you want to show a contradiction in the text, you should use an adversative transitions word. Besides, the adversative transition can be used for concessions and dismissal too.

Howeverwhereaswhatever happens
buteven morewhichever happens
in contrastalthoughin either event
on the other handnonethelessat least
converselyeither wayyet
above allthoughin either case
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Causal Transitions

Causal transitions are cause-and-effect transitions that show circumstances caused by some factors. The transition helps the reader to understand the cause and the result of an argument.

consequentlyin the event thatgranting (that)
hencebecause (of this)on the condition
for this reasonas a consequencefor the purpose of
sowith this intentionand that being the case
thereforeunder those circumstances
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Sequential Transitions

As its name, sequential transitions aim to express sequences including numerical sequence, continuation, summation, digression, and conclusion. You can find the transition in the first or the last paragraph. However, some words in this type of transition also can be used in the middle of the text.

To begin withsubsequentlyso
to start withafter thisin short
in the (first second etc.) placeto conclude withto get back to the point
initiallyas a final pointanyhow
secondlythusin sum
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To sum up, you need to use transition words judiciously, so your writing moves coherently, and makes the audience or readers understand your ideas and they will wait until your final word. Also, you should consider punctuation in your paper because some transition words are followed by a comma. You mi

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