5 Free resources for teachers and students

Explore a wide range of free resources for teachers and students at Spelling Bee Ninja. Enhance learning with engaging spelling tools and activities.

Free resources for k12 teachers


In this article you can find  some free resources for teachers  offered by our website and web app. These valuable tools are ready to be used in your language lessons and spelling tests for your students.

1: Spelling Words Lists

URL: ,
By: Spelling Bee Ninja
Yes, 100%

Our selection of spelling word lists is a must have too for every k12 student. Spelling lists are divided by grade, for every list we prepared a full  dedicated page containing:

  • The list itself.
  • Some useful information.
  • A printer ready pdf sheet.
  • Links to video and power point docs.
  • A link to the list in SBN format, so you can verify your preparation taking spelling tests using this specific lists as dictionary (this is a premium feature of our spelling bee preparation app).

Some links to the most used words list available on our website:

1st grade Spelling Words
2nd grade Spelling Words
3rd grade Spelling Words
4th grade Spelling Words
5th grade Spelling Words
6th grade Spelling Words
7th grade Spelling Words
8th grade Spelling Words
High School Spelling Words
Very Difficult Spelling Words
Hard Words to spell
Arabic words
Asian words
Latin words
Japanese words
Spanish words
Dolch Words for first graders
Dolch Words for second graders
Dolch Words for third graders
Dolch words nouns
Most difficult SAT words

Find the complete list of our spelling list in this article:

2: Spelling Search Engine

Spelling Bee Ninja
Yes. 100%

Our spelling words search engine, part of our Spelling Bee preparation app, is the very first spelling bee oriented search engine. This great free tool is available for free to everyone and it is the best tool to create spelling lists and get spelling bee related information about every single English word.
It works like any other search engine, just enter your query in the text box and press click search to get the words corresponding to your search, clicking on each word will show the related page containing the word details and spelling related information such as:

  • Difficulty level
  • Percentage of misspelling
  • Available definitions
  • Text to speech pronunciation
  • Possibility to add the word(s) to a custom spelling list

The search engine support wildcards and special syntax to make list building easier, for instance you can enter something like grade:5 to get words suitable for a fifth grader or ho%e to get a list of words beginning with ho and ending in e (eg  horse and house among the others). The detailed syntax of the engine is specified here .
Find more detailed info about how to use the spelling bee search engine to build spelling words lists in this article:

3: Spelling Test app

Spelling Bee Ninja
Yes. Needs free signup. Some advanced features are offered as premium.

Our AI powered spelling test app is very helpful for students willing to verify and improve spelling skills.
It is also the state of the art tool for spelling bee preparation, as it can instruct you about the words errors and the new words you need to learn following an organic preparation plan.
You can customize your test using imported dictionaries and comparing your performances with fellow students from all over the world.

Online spelling tests are really helpful if you are looking to train for the spelling bee, but cannot find a good place to start. That way, you will be able to understand where you stand with your spelling bee preparations and how good you are with your vocabulary.

The following article could be interesting for you and your students: it is about how to train for the spelling bee using our app.

4: Spelling tournaments

Spelling Bee Ninja
Yes, 100%

We offer weekly spelling tournaments free to join and opened to everyone.
Our official tournament series is called WOSL (World Online Spelling League).
Each week prizes are distributed to the top scorers of the round.
Students of every age and from every country can join freely and try to win.
To join a tournament just visit the tournament page of our app, choose a suitable tournament from the list and follow the instruction to join.
Usually our official tournaments last five days, starting every Monday and ending the next Friday.
Each tournament has a dedicated page from where each student can check the actual top scorers, take training official tests valid for the tournament official rankings.
Each participant will gain reputation among the WOSL league as the participation counter will increase, special badges will be assigned to top scorers and will be shown in their public page..

Take a test valid for a tournament

Once the tournament is started, it is possible to take valid tests directly from the tournament page, using the “Take Test” button.
Reach out the tournament page from the tournaments page, using the proper filters.
Usually each participant can take as many tests whenever he/she wants while the tournament is open; some tournaments could limit the number of tries for a single participant though .
Check the article below for more information and instruction on how to join the WOSL league.

5: Custom PDF lists and flashcards


By: Spelling Bee Ninja
Free: Yes, 100%

Our app offers to students and teachers the possibility to create and print express words lists and flashcards, just direct your browser to the words section of our web app, import the words of your choice and instantly get printable flashcards and list in pdf format to use during your lessons or for your homework.

Support us

If you find these free resources for teachers a valuable tool for your lessons and useful for your students, please add a link to this page in your website and share it on your social media accounts, this will help us a lot to keep producing free contents and software.

Best of luck!!!

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