English Test – How to use Articles in English

English Test How To Use Articles
This entry is part 36 of 36 in the series ESL English Language Test

How to Use Articles in English

1 / 10

Which sentence correctly omits the article?

2 / 10

Choose the correct sentence with the appropriate use of articles:

3 / 10

In which sentence is the definite article used correctly?

4 / 10

Which of the following sentences uses the article correctly?

5 / 10

Which of the following sentences correctly uses "an"?

6 / 10

Which sentence demonstrates the correct omission of an article?

7 / 10

Which sentence correctly uses the article "a"?

8 / 10

Identify the correct usage of articles in this sentence:

9 / 10

Select the sentence with the correct article usage:

10 / 10

Identify the sentence that correctly uses "the":

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Welcome to the quiz on using articles in English! This quiz is designed to help you test your understanding of the rules and guidelines for using “a,” “an,” and “the,” as explained in the article “How to Use Articles in English“. Each question has one correct answer, and explanations are provided to help you understand the reasoning behind the correct choice. Good luck!

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