English Test – Prefixes

English Test Prefixes
This entry is part 19 of 36 in the series ESL English Language Test


1 / 10

In the word submarine, what does the prefix sub- mean?

2 / 10

What is the meaning of the prefix trans- in the word transport?

3 / 10

What does the prefix inter- mean in the word international?

4 / 10

The prefix pre- in the word preview means:

5 / 10

What does the prefix re- suggest in the word redo?

6 / 10

What does the prefix un- mean?

7 / 10

What does the prefix anti- signify in antibiotic?

8 / 10

In the word biweekly, what does the prefix bi- mean?

9 / 10

The prefix dis- in the word disagree means:

10 / 10

What does the prefix mis- mean in the word misunderstand?

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The average score is 73%




Welcome to the Prefixes Quiz! This quiz is designed to test your understanding of common prefixes and their meanings in English. Prefixes are small word parts added to the beginning of a root word to modify its meaning, like “un-” in “undo” or “pre-” in “preview.”
By taking this quiz, you’ll enhance your vocabulary and comprehension skills, helping you recognize and use prefixes with confidence. Good luck, and enjoy expanding your prefix knowledge!

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