English Test – Suffixes

English Test Suffixes
This entry is part 18 of 36 in the series ESL English Language Test


1 / 10

What does the suffix -able mean in the word breakable?

2 / 10

What does the suffix -ful mean in the word hopeful?

3 / 10

In the word biologist, the suffix -ist signifies:

4 / 10

The suffix -ous in the word famous gives the meaning:

5 / 10

What does the suffix -less signify in the word fearless?

6 / 10

The suffix -ment in enjoyment shows:

7 / 10

The suffix -ness in the word kindness turns the word into which part of speech?

8 / 10

In the word teacher, the suffix -er indicates:

9 / 10

What does the suffix -tion mean in the word creation?

10 / 10

What does the suffix -ly mean in the word quickly?

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The average score is 63%




Understanding English suffixes is crucial for building vocabulary and comprehension, especially for English as a Second Language (ESL) learners. By recognizing common suffixes, learners can deduce a word’s meaning or its grammatical function, like -ment indicating a noun or -able suggesting a quality. This quiz assesses knowledge of suffixes based on insights from Spelling Bee Ninja’s article on the “30 Most Common English Suffixes“, which explains how suffixes transform base words to convey new ideas or actions. This foundational knowledge can enrich your English learning journey, enhancing both spoken and written communication.

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