Super effective spelling exercises and words list for home schooling

Super Effective Spelling Exercises & Word List for Home Schooling

Improve your spelling skills with these super effective exercises and word lists for home schooling. Achieve 100% correct spelling results.


If you were to say that the correct spelling is the life of English, you wouldn’t be wrong. The question is how to make this happen? You need to start homeschooling if you wish your kid to excel in English in 2022. This article focuses on the top proven spelling exercises that guarantee excellent spelling skills during your homeschooling sessions.

Top Spelling Exercises

You will be amazed to know that the best spelling exercises are fun. The boring ways of learning English are a thing of the past. In 2022 when you live a fast-paced life with excellent technological advancements, nobody wants to be bored, especially kids. Similarly, the following are the fun spelling exercises:

Spelling Memory Game

You will require a pencil, paper, a spelling list, and a deck of flashcards for this particular game.

  1. Choose a spelling list, and since we are talking about it, you can download one of our which are 100% free and are printable.
  2. Write one word per card.
  3. Now, ask them to choose a card, and once they do, you need to read it aloud while separating each letter.
  4. Afterward, put the card facing downwards and ask them to write the word on the piece of paper. Fun right?

Rainbow Writing

This one is pretty fun for the kids and maybe a little fun for you—this exercise focuses on coloring the letters of the words differently.
Write down a word and ask your kid to write the same word, but each letter should be in a different color.
For instance, you ask them to write the word ‘table,’ now the letter T can be red, A can be blue, B can be yellow, L can be green, and E can be colored as purple.
This method may not sound perfect to you, but it works for little ones because, in their minds, colors are fantastic.

Staircase Method

This method is one of the best of all spelling exercises. Also, it is pretty simple. You need to write the letter-number one on the first line and then increase the letters with each new line until the word is complete. Let’s say you want to write the word ‘House.’ It will be something like this:


Furthermore, this spelling exercise is also valuable for learning complex spellings.
Want to learn spellings in more innovative ways? Well, you can try some of our apps and tools to help you in your spelling voyage.

Missing Letters

Missing letters is a very creative spelling exercise in which you write a word but leave a few letters blank and ask your kids to guess the missing letters. For young ones, it is like an exciting puzzle game. Also, you can add boxes and use various colors to help jog their memories.
This exercise seems easy to most kids, and they love you to solve the missing letters puzzles.

The word List

We have prepared a super-effective spelling list that can aid your kid greatly in their homeschooling spelling exercises.


Printable versions

This list is available within the SBN app, click the image below to view and download it in PDF format.

The flash cards for this list can be found clicking the image below.

homeschooling exercises flashcards

PDF, Flashcards and SBN formats

Final Words

The world of spelling is progressing so rapidly that without requisite advances in proper spelling, your kids may not be able to use their full potential.
Furthermore, you must visit our site regularly to get the most out of our teachings, tricks, and advice for your kid’s better English.

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