English Test – Will vs Shall

A 10-question quiz with multiple-choice answers and explanations to learn when to use Will vs Shall in English.

English Test - Will vs Shall
This entry is part 16 of 36 in the series ESL English Language Test

Will vs Shall

1 / 10

Which sentence correctly uses “will” in casual English?

2 / 10

Which sentence shows the correct use of “shall” for a formal obligation?

3 / 10

Which sentence is grammatically correct?

4 / 10

Which sentence uses “will” for a promise?

5 / 10

Which sentence uses “will” to describe a neutral future event?

6 / 10

Which is the correct formal suggestion?

7 / 10

Which question is most polite?

8 / 10

Which sentence shows “shall” being used in British English?

9 / 10

Which sentence correctly uses “will” to express determination?

10 / 10

In which context would “shall” be most appropriate?

Your score is

The average score is 53%



Introduction to Quiz on “Will” vs. “Shall”

Mastering the difference between “will” and “shall” is an important step in improving your English fluency, especially when talking about the future, expressing determination, or making polite suggestions. This test is designed to help you check your understanding of these two modal verbs.

You’ll find ten carefully crafted multiple-choice questions that reflect real-life scenarios and grammatical rules. Each question has four possible answers, but only one is correct. These questions cover various aspects of “will” and “shall,” including:

– Basic meanings and primary uses.
– Differences in tone and formality.
– How to use these words in offers, promises, and obligations.
– Situational nuances between casual and formal English.

At the end of the test, you’ll see an explanation for the correct answer. This feedback will help reinforce your understanding of the concepts and clear up any confusion you may have.

Before you start, remember these tips:
1. Read the question carefully, paying attention to the context.
2. Think about whether the sentence is formal, informal, a question, or a statement.
3. Use what you’ve learned about tone, purpose, and structure to guide your choice in  the dedicated article: Exploring the Difference Between “Will” and “Shall” in English

This quiz is not just a test—it’s also a learning tool. Even if you don’t get every answer right the first time, reviewing the explanations will deepen your understanding of how “will” and “shall” are used.

Good luck!

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