Boost Your Spelling Skills with These 5 Homework Ideas!

5 cool ideas for engaging and fun spelling homework for your student so they won't complain anymore about spelling being boring.

5 Spelling homework ideas

Spelling is one of the basic and fundamental activities when it comes to learning a language, for both kids and adults learning English as a second language.
At the same time, sometimes students complain and think that spelling homework is a boring activity.
Every teacher should prepare useful and engaging spelling lessons for the class, trying to avoid to be boring.
In this article we propose some spelling homework ideas using the free resources offered by our website and spelling app.

Spelling Tests

The Spelling Test app provided by spelling bee ninja is one of the most entertaining ways to learn spelling of English words, and it is an ideal spelling homework for your class as you can eventually take tests using specific words lists. Right after the spelling test the student will get immediate access to a detailed report card, where an absolute score is reported, along with other statistics and useful insights such as the words spelled correctly and the misspelled ones, every student could compare his own results with the ones of students coming from all over the world..
There is more: if all of your students specify the same school when logging in, a dedicated ranking chart will be created, this will allow you to create a class or school spelling contest in no time and for free, for more information about SBN Spelling Tests have a read to this article.

To set the same school for all of your students please follow the instructions here: Set your school.


A great way to play with letters and learn spelling is by finding anagrams of a given word, a cool and common game that is also a great exercise is to invite your students to choose a partner and trying to find as many as possible anagrams out of a given word or word list.
Also, along with perfect matching anagrams they can engage in finding out only partial anagrams (i.e. words using only some letters of the original words) and anagrams with repetition (i.e. words composed using the letters from the original words many times).

To check the results you can use the SBN app search engine: just enter the word and click Search, if the word is present in the SBN database, the result page will show, check the anagram section in the bottom right of the page to verify all the anagrams of the given word, for instance entering the word “house”, the anagrams section suggests:


but also anagrams with repetitions as for example Houses

Word search games

Word search games, both printed and online, are one of the funniest learning activities and can be ideal to use in a spelling lesson. Here on the SBN website you can find many word search puzzles, feel free to use them all for your lessons.

You can easily print each puzzle using the printer icon just right under the game and distribute a copy to your students or, in case your class is equipped with computers or tablets, the puzzles can be solved directly online.

Check this page or click the image below to find out wordsearch games for your lessons:

Use the SBN Spelling bee dictionary

This spelling homework idea is yet another (slightly) conventional idea you can try to educate your students in spelling the words. Our dictionary could be your best friend; other than seeing the breakdowns in spelling the words and listen to the pronunciation, students can also learn about the definitions and the anagrams of each single word.
Search into SBN dictionary through the SBN app homepage at

Spelling word lists divided by grade

Words are the main ingredient to be provided to your students for your own spelling homework ideas. Well, on this website, you will find plenty of spelling word lists, tailored for specific needs, divided by grade of difficulty and ready to be printed and used in your lessons, take spelling tests, printed as flashcards, and more.
To get an idea of the resources available have a look to the words list section of the website, each word list is bundled with an explanation article containing, among the other, the list many different formats (printable, pdf, flash cards etc.).
Do not forget to have a look to the featured lists section of our app here it contains many custom words lists to be used in your lessons, click the links below to access the featured word list directly in our app:

Arabic words
Asian words
Dolch Words for first graders
Dolch Words for second graders
Dolch Words for third graders
Dolch words nouns
Frequently misspelled words
Japanese words
Latin words
Linking Words
Misspelled Words 2019
Most difficult SAT words
Most Difficult Words
Most used English words A-F
Most used English words G-P
Most used English words Q-Z
Pronouns – All
Pronouns – Demonstrative
Pronouns – Indefinite
Pronouns – Intensive
Pronouns – Interrogative
Pronouns – Possessive
Pronouns – Reflexive
Pronouns – Relative
Root words
SAT Words A-C
SAT Words D-F
SAT Words G-L
Sat Words M-P
SAT Words Q-T
SAT Words U-Z
Silent Letters
Spanish words
Spelling Words High School
Spelling Words List Grade 1
Spelling Words List Grade 2
Spelling Words List Grade 3
Spelling Words List Grade 4
Spelling Words List Grade 5
Spelling Words List Grade 6
Spelling Words List Grade 7
Spelling Words List Grade 8
Spelling Words Very Difficult
Transition Words

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