Dolch Words Second Grader
Dolch words for second graders

Dolch Words for 2nd Graders

Master second-grade spelling with Dolch Words! Explore our featured word list designed specifically for 2nd graders to enhance their vocabulary skills.

The lists below contain the Dolch words for 2nd graders which you might encounter in your next spelling bee.

Before coming to the “Dolch words for 2nd graders” list, you must be done with the Dolch words for 1st graders list. Otherwise, you will not be able to understand how the two lists differ from one another.

The Dolch words for 2nd graders are just slightly difficult in comparison to those in the first list. You will see that these Dolch words are a bit longer, but not too long. With respect to the 1st graders’ list, the words in this Dolch list are longer by at max three letters or have an extra syllable in them. That is it.

The words are not too difficult, but that does not mean that they can be ignored. As talked about previously, the Dolch words are the building blocks of the English language as well as the English vocabulary. These words are taught to children from a very young age. You will see the repetitive use of these Dolch words in various books, stories, and even cartoons that are meant to be enjoyed by children. This is done so that they may be able to learn these words with absolute ease.

Practice whole heartedly with these Dolch words that are targeted towards the students from the 2nd grade. They are integral part of the spelling bee competitions, especially those spelling bee events which are organized for younger participants. Junior level spelling bees always make good use of these Dolch word lists.

Dolch Words – For Second Graders


Second Grade Dolch Words, definitions

AlwaysAt all times; ever; perpetually; throughout all time; continually; as, God is always the same. – Constancy during a certain period, or regularly at stated intervals; invariably; uniformly; — opposed to sometimes or occasionally.
AroundIn a circle; circularly; on every side; round. – In a circuit; here and there within the surrounding space; all about; as, to travel around from town to town. – Near; in the neighborhood; as, this man was standing around when the fight took place. – On all sides of; encircling; encompassing; so as to make the circuit of; about. – From one part to another of; at random through; about; on another side of; as, to travel around the country; a house standing around the corner.
BecauseBy or for the cause that; on this account that; for the reason that. – In order that; that.
BeenThe past participle of Be. In old authors it is also the pr. tense plural of Be. See 1st Bee. – To exist in a certain manner or relation, — whether as a reality or as a product of thought; to exist as the subject of a certain predicate, that is, as having a certain attribute, or as belonging to a certain sort, or as identical with what is specified, — a word or words for the predicate being annexed; as, to be happy; to be here; to be large, or strong; to be an animal; to be a hero; to be a nonentity; three and two are five; annihilation is the cessation of existence; that is the man. – To take place; to happen; as, the meeting was on Thursday. – To signify; to represent or symbolize; to answer to.
BeforeIn front of; preceding in space; ahead of; as, to stand before the fire; before the house. – Preceding in time; earlier than; previously to; anterior to the time when; — sometimes with the additional idea of purpose; in order that. – An advance of; farther onward, in place or time. – Prior or preceding in dignity, order, rank, right, or worth; rather than. – In presence or sight of; face to face with; facing. – Under the cognizance or jurisdiction of. – Open for; free of access to; in the power of. – On the fore part; in front, or in the direction of the front; — opposed to in the rear. – In advance. – In time past; previously; already. – Earlier; sooner than; until then.
BestHaving good qualities in the highest degree; most good, kind, desirable, suitable, etc.; most excellent; as, the best man; the best road; the best cloth; the best abilities. – Most advanced; most correct or complete; as, the best scholar; the best view of a subject. – Most; largest; as, the best part of a week. – Utmost; highest endeavor or state; most nearly perfect thing, or being, or action; as, to do one’s best; to the best of our ability. – In the highest degree; beyond all others. – To the most advantage; with the most success, case, profit, benefit, or propriety. – Most intimately; most thoroughly or correctly; as, what is expedient is best known to himself. – To get the better of.
BothThe one and the other; the two; the pair, without exception of either. – As well; not only; equally.
BuyTo acquire the ownership of (property) by giving an accepted price or consideration therefor, or by agreeing to do so; to acquire by the payment of a price or value; to purchase; — opposed to sell. – To acquire or procure by something given or done in exchange, literally or figuratively; to get, at a cost or sacrifice; to buy pleasure with pain. – To negotiate or treat about a purchase.
ColdDeprived of heat, or having a low temperature; not warm or hot; gelid; frigid. – Lacking the sensation of warmth; suffering from the absence of heat; chilly; shivering; as, to be cold. – Not pungent or acrid. – Wanting in ardor, intensity, warmth, zeal, or passion; spiritless; unconcerned; reserved. – Unwelcome; disagreeable; unsatisfactory. – Wanting in power to excite; dull; uninteresting. – Affecting the sense of smell (as of hunting dogs) but feebly; having lost its odor; as, a cold scent. – Not sensitive; not acute. – Distant; — said, in the game of hunting for some object, of a seeker remote from the thing concealed. – Having a bluish effect. Cf. Warm, 8. – The relative absence of heat or warmth. – The sensation produced by the escape of heat; chilliness or chillness. – A morbid state of the animal system produced by exposure to cold or dampness; a catarrh. – To become cold.
DoesThe 3d pers. sing. pres. of Do.
DonSir; Mr; Signior; — a title in Spain, formerly given to noblemen and gentlemen only, but now common to all classes. – A grand personage, or one making pretension to consequence; especially, the head of a college, or one of the fellows at the English universities. – To put on; to dress in; to invest one’s self with.
FirstPreceding all others of a series or kind; the ordinal of one; earliest; as, the first day of a month; the first year of a reign. – Foremost; in front of, or in advance of, all others. – Most eminent or exalted; most excellent; chief; highest; as, Demosthenes was the first orator of Greece. – Before any other person or thing in time, space, rank, etc.; — much used in composition with adjectives and participles. – The upper part of a duet, trio, etc., either vocal or instrumental; — so called because it generally expresses the air, and has a preeminence in the combined effect.
FiveFour and one added; one more than four. – The number next greater than four, and less than six; five units or objects. – A symbol representing this number, as 5, or V.
Foundimp. & p. p. of Find. – To form by melting a metal, and pouring it into a mold; to cast. – A thin, single-cut file for combmakers. – To lay the basis of; to set, or place, as on something solid, for support; to ground; to establish upon a basis, literal or figurative; to fix firmly. – To take the ffirst steps or measures in erecting or building up; to furnish the materials for beginning; to begin to raise; to originate; as, to found a college; to found a family. – To gain, as the object of desire or effort; as, to find leisure; to find means. – To attain to; to arrive at; to acquire. – To provide for; to supply; to furnish; as, to find food for workemen; he finds his nephew in money. – To arrive at, as a conclusion; to determine as true; to establish; as, to find a verdict; to find a true bill (of indictment) against an accused person. – To determine an issue of fact, and to declare such a determination to a court; as, the jury find for the plaintiff. – Anything found; a discovery of anything valuable; especially, a deposit, discovered by archaeologists, of objects of prehistoric or unknown origin.
GreenHaving the color of grass when fresh and growing; resembling that color of the solar spectrum which is between the yellow and the blue; verdant; emerald. – Having a sickly color; wan. – Full of life aud vigor; fresh and vigorous; new; recent; as, a green manhood; a green wound. – Not ripe; immature; not fully grown or ripened; as, green fruit, corn, vegetables, etc. – Not roasted; half raw. – Immature in age or experience; young; raw; not trained; awkward; as, green in years or judgment. – Not seasoned; not dry; containing its natural juices; as, green wood, timber, etc. – The color of growing plants; the color of the solar spectrum intermediate between the yellow and the blue. – A grassy plain or plat; a piece of ground covered with verdant herbage; as, the village green. – Fresh leaves or branches of trees or other plants; wreaths; — usually in the plural. – pl. Leaves and stems of young plants, as spinach, beets, etc., which in their green state are boiled for food. – Any substance or pigment of a green color. – To make green. – To become or grow green.
ItsPossessive form of the pronoun it. See It.
ManyA retinue of servants; a household. – Consisting of a great number; numerous; not few. – The populace; the common people; the majority of people, or of a community. – A large or considerable number.
OffIn a general sense, denoting from or away from; as: – Denoting distance or separation; as, the house is a mile off. – Denoting the action of removing or separating; separation; as, to take off the hat or cloak; to cut off, to pare off, to clip off, to peel off, to tear off, to march off, to fly off, and the like. – Denoting a leaving, abandonment, departure, abatement, interruption, or remission; as, the fever goes off; the pain goes off; the game is off; all bets are off. – Denoting a different direction; not on or towards: away; as, to look off. – Denoting opposition or negation. – Away; begone; — a command to depart. – Not on; away from; as, to be off one’s legs or off the bed; two miles off the shore. – On the farther side; most distant; on the side of an animal or a team farthest from the driver when he is on foot; in the United States, the right side; as, the off horse or ox in a team, in distinction from the nigh or near horse or ox; the off leg. – Designating a time when one is not strictly attentive to business or affairs, or is absent from his post, and, hence, a time when affairs are not urgent; as, he took an off day for fishing: an off year in politics. – The side of the field that is on the right of the wicket keeper.
PullTo draw, or attempt to draw, toward one; to draw forcibly. – To draw apart; to tear; to rend. – To gather with the hand, or by drawing toward one; to pluck; as, to pull fruit; to pull flax; to pull a finch. – To move or operate by the motion of drawing towards one; as, to pull a bell; to pull an oar. – To hold back, and so prevent from winning; as, the favorite was pulled. – To take or make, as a proof or impression; — hand presses being worked by pulling a lever. – To strike the ball in a particular manner. See Pull, n., 8. – To exert one’s self in an act or motion of drawing or hauling; to tug; as, to pull at a rope. – The act of pulling or drawing with force; an effort to move something by drawing toward one. – A contest; a struggle; as, a wrestling pull. – A pluck; loss or violence suffered. – A knob, handle, or lever, etc., by which anything is pulled; as, a drawer pull; a bell pull. – The act of rowing; as, a pull on the river. – The act of drinking; as, to take a pull at the beer, or the mug. – Something in one’s favor in a comparison or a contest; an advantage; means of influencing; as, in weights the favorite had the pull. – A kind of stroke by which a leg ball is sent to the off side, or an off ball to the side.
ReadRennet. See 3d Reed. – of Read – To advise; to counsel. – To interpret; to explain; as, to read a riddle. – To tell; to declare; to recite. – To go over, as characters or words, and utter aloud, or recite to one’s self inaudibly; to take in the sense of, as of language, by interpreting the characters with which it is expressed; to peruse; as, to read a discourse; to read the letters of an alphabet; to read figures; to read the notes of music, or to read music; to read a book. – Hence, to know fully; to comprehend. – To discover or understand by characters, marks, features, etc.; to learn by observation. – To make a special study of, as by perusing textbooks; as, to read theology or law. – To give advice or counsel. – To tell; to declare. – To perform the act of reading; to peruse, or to go over and utter aloud, the words of a book or other like document. – To study by reading; as, he read for the bar. – To learn by reading. – To appear in writing or print; to be expressed by, or consist of, certain words or characters; as, the passage reads thus in the early manuscripts. – To produce a certain effect when read; as, that sentence reads queerly. – Saying; sentence; maxim; hence, word; advice; counsel. See Rede. – Reading. – imp. & p. p. of Read, v. t. & i. – Instructed or knowing by reading; versed in books; learned.
SingTo utter sounds with musical inflections or melodious modulations of voice, as fancy may dictate, or according to the notes of a song or tune, or of a given part (as alto, tenor, etc.) in a chorus or concerted piece. – To utter sweet melodious sounds, as birds do. – To make a small, shrill sound; as, the air sings in passing through a crevice. – To tell or relate something in numbers or verse; to celebrate something in poetry. – Ti cry out; to complain. – To utter with musical infections or modulations of voice. – To celebrate is song; to give praises to in verse; to relate or rehearse in numbers, verse, or poetry. – To influence by singing; to lull by singing; as, to sing a child to sleep. – To accompany, or attend on, with singing.
Sleepimp. of Sleep. Slept. – To take rest by a suspension of the voluntary exercise of the powers of the body and mind, and an apathy of the organs of sense; to slumber. – To be careless, inattentive, or uncouncerned; not to be vigilant; to live thoughtlessly. – To be dead; to lie in the grave. – To be, or appear to be, in repose; to be quiet; to be unemployed, unused, or unagitated; to rest; to lie dormant; as, a question sleeps for the present; the law sleeps. – To be slumbering in; — followed by a cognate object; as, to sleep a dreamless sleep. – To give sleep to; to furnish with accomodations for sleeping; to lodge. – A natural and healthy, but temporary and periodical, suspension of the functions of the organs of sense, as well as of those of the voluntary and rational soul; that state of the animal in which there is a lessened acuteness of sensory perception, a confusion of ideas, and a loss of mental control, followed by a more or less unconscious state.
TellTo mention one by one, or piece by piece; to recount; to enumerate; to reckon; to number; to count; as, to tell money. – To utter or recite in detail; to give an account of; to narrate. – To make known; to publish; to disclose; to divulge. – To give instruction to; to make report to; to acquaint; to teach; to inform. – To order; to request; to command. – To discern so as to report; to ascertain by observing; to find out; to discover; as, I can not tell where one color ends and the other begins. – To make account of; to regard; to reckon; to value; to estimate. – To give an account; to make report. – To take effect; to produce a marked effect; as, every shot tells; every expression tells. – That which is told; tale; account. – A hill or mound.
TheirThe possessive case of the personal pronoun they; as, their houses; their country.
TheseThe plural of this. See This. – As an adjective, this has the same demonstrative force as the pronoun, but is followed by a noun; as, this book; this way to town.
ThoseThe plural of that. See That.
UponOn; — used in all the senses of that word, with which it is interchangeable.
VeryTrue; real; actual; veritable. – In a high degree; to no small extent; exceedingly; excessively; extremely; as, a very great mountain; a very bright sum; a very cold day; the river flows very rapidly; he was very much hurt.
WhichOf what sort or kind; what; what a; who. – A interrogative pronoun, used both substantively and adjectively, and in direct and indirect questions, to ask for, or refer to, an individual person or thing among several of a class; as, which man is it? which woman was it? which is the house? he asked which route he should take; which is best, to live or to die? See the Note under What, pron., 1. – A relative pronoun, used esp. in referring to an antecedent noun or clause, but sometimes with reference to what is specified or implied in a sentence, or to a following noun or clause (generally involving a reference, however, to something which has preceded). It is used in all numbers and genders, and was formerly used of persons. – A compound relative or indefinite pronoun, standing for any one which, whichever, that which, those which, the . . . which, and the like; as, take which you will.
WhyFor what cause, reason, or purpose; on what account; wherefore; — used interrogatively. See the Note under What, pron., 1. – For which; on account of which; — used relatively. – The reason or cause for which; that on account of which; on what account; as, I know not why he left town so suddenly; — used as a compound relative. – A young heifer.
WishTo have a desire or yearning; to long; to hanker. – To desire; to long for; to hanker after; to have a mind or disposition toward. – To frame or express desires concerning; to invoke in favor of, or against, any one; to attribute, or cal down, in desire; to invoke; to imprecate. – To recommend; to seek confidence or favor in behalf of. – Desire; eager desire; longing. – Expression of desire; request; petition; hence, invocation or imprecation. – A thing desired; an object of desire.
WriteTo set down, as legible characters; to form the conveyance of meaning; to inscribe on any material by a suitable instrument; as, to write the characters called letters; to write figures. – To set down for reading; to express in legible or intelligible characters; to inscribe; as, to write a deed; to write a bill of divorcement; hence, specifically, to set down in an epistle; to communicate by letter. – Hence, to compose or produce, as an author. – To impress durably; to imprint; to engrave; as, truth written on the heart. – To make known by writing; to record; to prove by one’s own written testimony; — often used reflexively. – To form characters, letters, or figures, as representative of sounds or ideas; to express words and sentences by written signs. – To be regularly employed or occupied in writing, copying, or accounting; to act as clerk or amanuensis; as, he writes in one of the public offices. – To frame or combine ideas, and express them in written words; to play the author; to recite or relate in books; to compose. – To compose or send letters.
YourThe form of the possessive case of the personal pronoun you.

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