How to teach spelling words?

Smart tips for educators and teachers on how to teach spelling.

How to teach spelling words

In the first and second grades, while students learn how to read and write, most kids start learning English spelling words and spelling rules.

Spelling is a skill that should be mastered, even though it isn’t always a sign of a child’s intelligence.

That’s because bad spelling habits will persist as a student advances in grade level and expands their vocabulary. Misspelled words can be embarrassing for adults who still make blunders in professional communication and bothersome for professors who are correcting papers. Specifically, spelling issues can let teachers and parents know if a student has dyslexia or another undiagnosed learning disability.

English has several universal patterns that have allowed teachers to create lists of guidelines. Numerous terms are famously tricky to spell. However, there are also exceptions to these laws. Adult learners who struggle with spelling as children will have learned mistakes that need to be undone.

Teaching spelling can be difficult for teachers who must introduce spelling words, clarify the rules, inspire students, and check a child’s early written work. However, when engaging teaching methods are used, spelling instruction becomes less monotonous and entertaining. Primarily when students perform well enough to compete in local spelling bees and whole-school contests.

How do kids learn to spell?

In the first and second grades, children receive spelling instruction.

The majority of beginner spelling words must be remembered. This is particularly true of high-frequency service words. Teachers frequently assign children to groups and give weekly quizzes.

To aid learners in identifying patterns, rules will be clarified, and terms that adhere to the same rule may be taught together.

Students come across familiar words more frequently as they develop their reading skills. This aids in their spelling.

The more often students use their terms in writing assignments, the more likely they will learn them—either by utilizing the proper form, referencing it, or by making a mistake they must fix.

Smart tips for teaching spelling

1 – Let them be artistic.

Get the construction paper and the markers ready. As an alternative, instruct pupils to cut out letters from magazines and create word collages in the form of ransom notes. Students might make posters using various depictions of the words on their lists. The more the cognitive focus and enjoyment placed on the task, the more probable it is that a term will be recalled.

2 – Stimulate reading

The easier it is for students to retain form information, the more often they encounter a word spelled correctly. Look for stories that use the terms on your spelling list repeatedly.

Also, you could even create a worksheet and ask children to highlight or star the terms they are familiar with.

3 – Play games to get smarter

Crossword puzzles and worksheets are excellent for homework or quiet time, but playing games like hangman with the entire class is much better. Why? Because they want to win, kids will be driven to spell the word correctly.

Similarly, providing responses will also require both verbal and written responses. They will be able to assess their classmates’ reactions to several games and rectify any misspelled words.

4 – Describe mnemonics

Students can learn difficult words more quickly if they use a mnemonic to help them recall how to spell them. This can require making up an account in which fictional people represent the letters of a word.

Lastly, to aid in spelling memory, a student could use pictures matching the letters.

5 – Say the word aloud.

Aloud pronounce the words as well as their spellings. Students are inspired to follow suit by this.

Also, children who spell aloud use their ears and eyes to internalize the correct letter placement. This is a helpful approach for kids who struggle with learning challenges and aids in getting ready for events like spelling bees.


To recap:
Spelling is simple if we have the right strategies set in place. The most important thing to remember is that a good spelling lesson is engaging, hands-on, and related to real life. Similarly, spelling is a skill that can be learned, practiced, and tested. It’s also a skill that can be taught and reviewed.

Furthermore, there are many things you need to consider when it comes to spelling.

First and foremost, you need to know how your students learn best and what motivates them when learning new skills.

Second, you need strategies for setting up a good learning environment where all these activities occur within one classroom so that everyone gets involved with what’s happening at all times!

Finally, we provided some essential tips on how you can help your children develop these skills while having fun at the same time!

Naturally, we all have to start somewhere when it comes to learning something new. The sooner we begin, the better!

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