Table of Contents
In this second grade spelling bee word list, we will explore the words that are frequently used in spelling bee competitions for second graders.
The 2nd grade spelling bee words list is a bit more challenging than its predecessor, the first grade word list for spelling bees. Here, the words are a bit longer in some cases, and contain slightly trickier spellings.
You will also see that the second grade word list contains spellings that are not pronounced the way they seem, and that is something that will come as a challenge to many second grade students.
But while the aspect itself is challenging, studying this list thoroughly will help you ease through any spelling bee competition.
Be sure to try out the Spelling Bee Ninja app, and its Spelling Trainer to get a more interactive learning experience. You will surely enjoy it.
What are the 2nd grade Spelling Words ?
Hooray! You are no longer a first grader. Congratulations!
And by this time, we are guessing that you have completed our first list. Aren’t you the most proactive kid in school?
Now that we are done with grade one, let’s move on the next step, that is to practice our second grade spelling list.
We at Spelling Bee Ninja have prepared this 2nd grade spelling words’ list just for you.
Check out all the new words and get started.
Also ask your teachers to organize in-class spelling bee contests.
It will be a lot of fun and at the same time all of you will have a better chance to advance in the Official Spelling Bee Contests this year.
This 2nd grade Spelling Words is also featured in our Spelling bee Ninja. Check out the other featured spelling words lists here.
PDF, Flashcards and SBN formats
Hera are links to the 2nd graders words list in different formats, feel free to download it and use for your preparation or lessons, also there is a link to use the list with our spelling bee preparation app, where you can take Spelling Test with this list, embed into your website, edit it, listen to pronunciation and a lot more.
![]() | > Second Grade words in PDF Format |
![]() | > Second Grade FLASHCARDS in PDF Format |
![]() | > Use Second Grade spelling words with our SBN APP |
Second grade Spelling words definitions
Here are some of the definitions for the given words, if you want to know more info about a word just click the word of your interest in the table above.
Ajar | Slightly turned or opened; as, the door was standing ajar. – In a state of discord; out of harmony; as, he is ajar with the world. |
Barge | A pleasure boat; a vessel or boat of state, elegantly furnished and decorated. – A large, roomy boat for the conveyance of passengers or goods; as, a ship’s barge; a charcoal barge. – A large boat used by flag officers. – A double-decked passenger or freight vessel, towed by a steamboat. – A large omnibus used for excursions. |
Blunt | Having a thick edge or point, as an instrument; dull; not sharp. – Dull in understanding; slow of discernment; stupid; — opposed to acute. – Abrupt in address; plain; unceremonious; wanting the forms of civility; rough in manners or speech. – Hard to impress or penetrate. – To dull the edge or point of, by making it thicker; to make blunt. – To repress or weaken, as any appetite, desire, or power of the mind; to impair the force, keenness, or susceptibility, of; as, to blunt the feelings. – A fencer’s foil. – A short needle with a strong point. See Needle. – Money. |
Bolt | A shaft or missile intended to be shot from a crossbow or catapult, esp. a short, stout, blunt-headed arrow; a quarrel; an arrow, or that which resembles an arrow; a dart. – Lightning; a thunderbolt. – A strong pin, of iron or other material, used to fasten or hold something in place, often having a head at one end and screw thread cut upon the other end. – A sliding catch, or fastening, as for a door or gate; the portion of a lock which is shot or withdrawn by the action of the key. – An iron to fasten the legs of a prisoner; a shackle; a fetter. – A compact package or roll of cloth, as of canvas or silk, often containing about forty yards. – A bundle, as of oziers. – To shoot; to discharge or drive forth. – To utter precipitately; to blurt or throw out. – To swallow without chewing; as, to bolt food. – To refuse to support, as a nomination made by a party to which one has belonged or by a caucus in which one has taken part. – To cause to start or spring forth; to dislodge, as conies, rabbits, etc. – To fasten or secure with, or as with, a bolt or bolts, as a door, a timber, fetters; to shackle; to restrain. – To start forth like a bolt or arrow; to spring abruptly; to come or go suddenly; to dart; as, to bolt out of the room. – To strike or fall suddenly like a bolt. – To spring suddenly aside, or out of the regular path; as, the horse bolted. – To refuse to support a nomination made by a party or a caucus with which one has been connected; to break away from a party. – In the manner of a bolt; suddenly; straight; unbendingly. – A sudden spring or start; a sudden spring aside; as, the horse made a bolt. – A sudden flight, as to escape creditors. – A refusal to support a nomination made by the party with which one has been connected; a breaking away from one’s party. – To sift or separate the coarser from the finer particles of, as bran from flour, by means of a bolter; to separate, assort, refine, or purify by other means. – To separate, as if by sifting or bolting; — with out. – To discuss or argue privately, and for practice, as cases at law. – A sieve, esp. a long fine sieve used in milling for bolting flour and meal; a bolter. |
Cluck | To make the noise, or utter the call, of a brooding hen. – To call together, or call to follow, as a hen does her chickens. – The call of a hen to her chickens. – A click. See 3d Click, 2. |
Crush | To press or bruise between two hard bodies; to squeeze, so as to destroy the natural shape or integrity of the parts, or to force together into a mass; as, to crush grapes. – To reduce to fine particles by pounding or grinding; to comminute; as, to crush quartz. – To overwhelm by pressure or weight; to beat or force down, as by an incumbent weight. – To oppress or burden grievously. – To overcome completely; to subdue totally. – To be or become broken down or in, or pressed into a smaller compass, by external weight or force; as, an eggshell crushes easily. – A violent collision or compression; a crash; destruction; ruin. – Violent pressure, as of a crowd; a crowd which produced uncomfortable pressure; as, a crush at a perception. |
Cuff | To strike; esp., to smite with the palm or flat of the hand; to slap. – To buffet. – To fight; to scuffle; to box. – A blow; esp.,, a blow with the open hand; a box; a slap. – The fold at the end of a sleeve; the part of a sleeve turned back from the hand. – Any ornamental appendage at the wrist, whether attached to the sleeve of the garment or separate; especially, in modern times, such an appendage of starched linen, or a substitute for it of paper, or the like. |
Dew | Moisture from the atmosphere condensed by cool bodies upon their surfaces, particularly at night. – Figuratively, anything which falls lightly and in a refreshing manner. – An emblem of morning, or fresh vigor. – To wet with dew or as with dew; to bedew; to moisten; as with dew. – Same as Due, or Duty. |
Elf | An imaginary supernatural being, commonly a little sprite, much like a fairy; a mythological diminutive spirit, supposed to haunt hills and wild places, and generally represented as delighting in mischievous tricks. – A very diminutive person; a dwarf. – To entangle mischievously, as an elf might do. |
Hire | See Here, pron. – The price, reward, or compensation paid, or contracted to be paid, for the temporary use of a thing or a place, for personal service, or for labor; wages; rent; pay. – A bailment by which the use of a thing, or the services and labor of a person, are contracted for at a certain price or reward. – To procure (any chattel or estate) from another person, for temporary use, for a compensation or equivalent; to purchase the use or enjoyment of for a limited time; as, to hire a farm for a year; to hire money. – To engage or purchase the service, labor, or interest of (any one) for a specific purpose, by payment of wages; as, to hire a servant, an agent, or an advocate. – To grant the temporary use of, for compensation; to engage to give the service of, for a price; to let; to lease; — now usually with out, and often reflexively; as, he has hired out his horse, or his time. |
Pike | A foot soldier’s weapon, consisting of a long wooden shaft or staff, with a pointed steel head. It is now superseded by the bayonet. – A pointed head or spike; esp., one in the center of a shield or target. – A hayfork. – A pick. – A pointed or peaked hill. – A large haycock. – A turnpike; a toll bar. – A large fresh-water fish (Esox lucius), found in Europe and America, highly valued as a food fish; — called also pickerel, gedd, luce, and jack. |
Slid | imp. & p. p. of Slide. – Especially, to move over snow or ice with a smooth, uninterrupted motion, as on a sled moving by the force of gravity, or on the feet. – To pass inadvertently. – To pass along smoothly or unobservedly; to move gently onward without friction or hindrance; as, a ship or boat slides through the water. – To slip when walking or standing; to fall. – To pass from one note to another with no perceptible cassation of sound. – To pass out of one’s thought as not being of any consequence. – To cause to slide; to thrust along; as, to slide one piece of timber along another. – To pass or put imperceptibly; to slip; as, to slide in a word to vary the sense of a question. – The act of sliding; as, a slide on the ice. – Smooth, even passage or progress. – That on which anything moves by sliding. – An inclined plane on which heavy bodies slide by the force of gravity, esp. one constructed on a mountain side for conveying logs by sliding them down. – A surface of ice or snow on which children slide for amusement. – That which operates by sliding. – A cover which opens or closes an aperture by sliding over it. – A moving piece which is guided by a part or parts along which it slides. – A clasp or brooch for a belt, or the like. – A plate or slip of glass on which is a picture or delineation to be exhibited by means of a magic lantern, stereopticon, or the like; a plate on which is an object to be examined with a microscope. – The descent of a mass of earth, rock, or snow down a hill or mountain side; as, a land slide, or a snow slide; also, the track of bare rock left by a land slide. – A small dislocation in beds of rock along a line of fissure. – A grace consisting of two or more small notes moving by conjoint degrees, and leading to a principal note either above or below. – An apparatus in the trumpet and trombone by which the sounding tube is lengthened and shortened so as to produce the tones between the fundamental and its harmonics. – A sound which, by a gradual change in the position of the vocal organs, passes imperceptibly into another sound. – Same as Guide bar, under Guide. – A slide valve. |
Wren | Any one of numerous species of small singing birds belonging to Troglodytes and numerous allied of the family Troglodytidae. – Any one of numerous species of small singing birds more or less resembling the true wrens in size and habits. |
Anyways, remember that the most important thing at your fantastic age is to play and have fun every day, the more the better 🙂 .
When I was your age I used to spend every single afternoon in the backyard playing football with my friends and my brother, even in the rainy days.
At that time my dream was to become a soccer player stronger than Maradona, the iconic football player from Argentina.
When you finish playing, if you want, try this 2nd grade Spelling Words list with our spelling bee trainer.
It can help you a lot in improving your spelling skills and enrich your vocabulary.
Oh, it’s a lot of fun as well.
Best of luck kid !!!
Video version of this spelling list
Check out all our spelling lists at the following links:
1st grade Spelling Words
2nd grade Spelling Words
3rd grade Spelling Words
4th grade Spelling Words
5th grade Spelling Words
6th grade Spelling Words
7th grade Spelling Words
8th grade Spelling Words
High School Spelling Words
Very Difficult Spelling Words
Hard Words to spell
Arabic words
Asian words
Latin words
Japanese words
Spanish words
Dolch Words for first graders
Dolch Words for second graders
Dolch Words for third graders
Dolch words nouns
Most difficult SAT words
- 1st grade Spelling bee Words master list
- 100 most important 2nd grade Spelling Words with pdf and flashcards
- 100 most used 3rd grade Spelling Words
- The ultimate 4th grade spelling words list
- Difficult 5th grade spelling words
- 6th grade Spelling bee words list that will help you win
- Easy to learn 7th grade Spelling Words
- 8th grade Spelling bee Words list that will make you a winner
- Hard Spelling Bee Words for High School Students
- Very difficult Spelling Words List
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