Solch words third graders
Dolch words for third graders

Dolch Words for 3rd Graders

Master the Dolch Words for 3rd graders with Spelling Bee Ninja. Improve your child's reading skills with our comprehensive and interactive word list.

The lists below contain the Dolch words for 3rd graders.

As you have already gone through the Dolch words for 1st and 2nd graders, you should know how this list works. The Dolch words for 3rd graders are somewhat similar to those for the 2nd graders, however, these are a bit advanced in the sense that they are a bit longer in some instances. Apart from that, there is also the use of double letters which is an advanced topic for the young learners.

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The Dolch words for 3rd graders are very important in the junior level spelling bee as they will test the participants to their limits.

Dolch Words For Third Graders



AboutAround; all round; on every side of. – In the immediate neighborhood of; in contiguity or proximity to; near, as to place; by or on (one’s person). – Over or upon different parts of; through or over in various directions; here and there in; to and fro in; throughout. – Near; not far from; — determining approximately time, size, quantity. – In concern with; engaged in; intent on. – On the point or verge of; going; in act of. – Concerning; with regard to; on account of; touching. – On all sides; around. – In circuit; circularly; by a circuitous way; around the outside; as, a mile about, and a third of a mile across. – Here and there; around; in one place and another. – Nearly; approximately; with close correspondence, in quality, manner, degree, etc.; as, about as cold; about as high; — also of quantity, number, time. – To a reserved position; half round; in the opposite direction; on the opposite tack; as, to face about; to turn one’s self about.
BetterHaving good qualities in a greater degree than another; as, a better man; a better physician; a better house; a better air. – Preferable in regard to rank, value, use, fitness, acceptableness, safety, or in any other respect. – Greater in amount; larger; more. – Improved in health; less affected with disease; as, the patient is better. – More advanced; more perfect; as, upon better acquaintance; a better knowledge of the subject. – Advantage, superiority, or victory; — usually with of; as, to get the better of an enemy. – One who has a claim to precedence; a superior, as in merit, social standing, etc.; — usually in the plural. – In a superior or more excellent manner; with more skill and wisdom, courage, virtue, advantage, or success; as, Henry writes better than John; veterans fight better than recruits. – More correctly or thoroughly. – In a higher or greater degree; more; as, to love one better than another. – More, in reference to value, distance, time, etc.; as, ten miles and better. – To improve or ameliorate; to increase the good qualities of. – To improve the condition of, morally, physically, financially, socially, or otherwise. – To surpass in excellence; to exceed; to excel. – To give advantage to; to support; to advance the interest of. – To become better; to improve. – One who bets or lays a wager.
BringTo convey to the place where the speaker is or is to be; to bear from a more distant to a nearer place; to fetch. – To cause the accession or obtaining of; to procure; to make to come; to produce; to draw to. – To convey; to move; to carry or conduct. – To persuade; to induce; to draw; to lead; to guide. – To produce in exchange; to sell for; to fetch; as, what does coal bring per ton?
CleanFree from dirt or filth; as, clean clothes. – Free from that which is useless or injurious; without defects; as, clean land; clean timber. – Free from awkwardness; not bungling; adroit; dexterous; as, aclean trick; a clean leap over a fence. – Free from errors and vulgarisms; as, a clean style. – Free from restraint or neglect; complete; entire. – Free from moral defilement; sinless; pure. – Free from ceremonial defilement. – Free from that which is corrupting to the morals; pure in tone; healthy. – Well-proportioned; shapely; as, clean limbs. – Without limitation or remainder; quite; perfectly; wholly; entirely. – Without miscarriage; not bunglingly; dexterously. – To render clean; to free from whatever is foul, offensive, or extraneous; to purify; to cleanse.
Donep. p. from Do, and formerly the infinitive. – Performed; executed; finished. – It is done or agreed; let it be a match or bargain; — used elliptically. – Given; executed; issued; made public; — used chiefly in the clause giving the date of a proclamation or public act. – To perform, as an action; to execute; to transact to carry out in action; as, to do a good or a bad act; do our duty; to do what I can. – To bring to an end by action; to perform completely; to finish; to accomplish; — a sense conveyed by the construction, which is that of the past participle done. – To make ready for an object, purpose, or use, as food by cooking; to cook completely or sufficiently; as, the meat is done on one side only. – To put or bring into a form, state, or condition, especially in the phrases, to do death, to put to death; to slay; to do away (often do away with), to put away; to remove; to do on, to put on; to don; to do off, to take off, as dress; to doff; to do into, to put into the form of; to translate or transform into, as a text. – To cheat; to gull; to overreach. – To see or inspect; to explore; as, to do all the points of interest. – To cash or to advance money for, as a bill or note. – To act or behave in any manner; to conduct one’s self. – To fare; to be, as regards health; as, they asked him how he did; how do you do to-day? – To succeed; to avail; to answer the purpose; to serve; as, if no better plan can be found, he will make this do. – Deed; act; fear. – Ado; bustle; stir; to do. – A cheat; a swindle.
DrinkTo swallow anything liquid, for quenching thirst or other purpose; to imbibe; to receive or partake of, as if in satisfaction of thirst; as, to drink from a spring. – To quaff exhilarating or intoxicating liquors, in merriment or feasting; to carouse; to revel; hence, to lake alcoholic liquors to excess; to be intemperate in the /se of intoxicating or spirituous liquors; to tipple. – To swallow (a liquid); to receive, as a fluid, into the stomach; to imbibe; as, to drink milk or water. – To take in (a liquid), in any manner; to suck up; to absorb; to imbibe. – To take in; to receive within one, through the senses; to inhale; to hear; to see. – To smoke, as tobacco. – Liquid to be swallowed; any fluid to be taken into the stomach for quenching thirst or for other purposes, as water, coffee, or decoctions. – Specifically, intoxicating liquor; as, when drink is on, wit is out.
EightAn island in a river; an ait. – Seven and one; as, eight years. – The number greater by a unit than seven; eight units or objects. – A symbol representing eight units, as 8 or viii.
FarA young pig, or a litter of pigs. – Distant in any direction; not near; remote; mutually separated by a wide space or extent. – Remote from purpose; contrary to design or wishes; as, far be it from me to justify cruelty. – Remote in affection or obedience; at a distance, morally or spiritually; t enmity with; alienated. – Widely different in nature or quality; opposite in character. – The more distant of two; as, the far side (called also off side) of a horse, that is, the right side, or the one opposite to the rider when he mounts. – To a great extent or distance of space; widely; as, we are separated far from each other. – To a great distance in time from any point; remotely; as, he pushed his researches far into antiquity. – In great part; as, the day is far spent. – In a great proportion; by many degrees; very much; deeply; greatly.
FullFilled up, having within its limits all that it can contain; supplied; not empty or vacant; — said primarily of hollow vessels, and hence of anything else; as, a cup full of water; a house full of people. – Abundantly furnished or provided; sufficient in. quantity, quality, or degree; copious; plenteous; ample; adequate; as, a full meal; a full supply; a full voice; a full compensation; a house full of furniture. – Not wanting in any essential quality; complete, entire; perfect; adequate; as, a full narrative; a person of full age; a full stop; a full face; the full moon. – Sated; surfeited. – Having the mind filled with ideas; stocked with knowledge; stored with information. – Having the attention, thoughts, etc., absorbed in any matter, and the feelings more or less excited by it, as, to be full of some project. – Filled with emotions. – Impregnated; made pregnant. – Complete measure; utmost extent; the highest state or degree. – Quite; to the same degree; without abatement or diminution; with the whole force or effect; thoroughly; completely; exactly; entirely. – To become full or wholly illuminated; as, the moon fulls at midnight. – To thicken by moistening, heating, and pressing, as cloth; to mill; to make compact; to scour, cleanse, and thicken in a mill. – To become fulled or thickened; as, this material fulls well.
Gotimp. & p. p. of Get. See Get. – Fashion; manner; custom. – Artifice; contrivance. – To procure; to obtain; to gain possession of; to acquire; to earn; to obtain as a price or reward; to come by; to win, by almost any means; as, to get favor by kindness; to get wealth by industry and economy; to get land by purchase, etc. – Hence, with have and had, to come into or be in possession of; to have. – To beget; to procreate; to generate. – To obtain mental possession of; to learn; to commit to memory; to memorize; as to get a lesson; also with out; as, to get out one’s Greek lesson. – To prevail on; to induce; to persuade. – To procure to be, or to cause to be in any state or condition; — with a following participle. – To betake; to remove; — in a reflexive use. – To make acquisition; to gain; to profit; to receive accessions; to be increased. – To arrive at, or bring one’s self into, a state, condition, or position; to come to be; to become; — with a following adjective or past participle belonging to the subject of the verb; as, to get sober; to get awake; to get beaten; to get elected. – Offspring; progeny; as, the get of a stallion.
GrowTo increase in size by a natural and organic process; to increase in bulk by the gradual assimilation of new matter into the living organism; — said of animals and vegetables and their organs. – To increase in any way; to become larger and stronger; to be augmented; to advance; to extend; to wax; to accrue. – To spring up and come to matturity in a natural way; to be produced by vegetation; to thrive; to flourish; as, rice grows in warm countries. – To pass from one state to another; to result as an effect from a cause; to become; as, to grow pale. – To become attached of fixed; to adhere. – To cause to grow; to cultivate; to produce; as, to grow a crop; to grow wheat, hops, or tobacco.
Hotimp. & p. p. of Hote. – Having much sensible heat; exciting the feeling of warmth in a great degree; very warm; — opposed to cold, and exceeding warm in degree; as, a hot stove; hot water or air. – Characterized by heat, ardor, or animation; easily excited; firely; vehement; passionate; violent; eager. – Lustful; lewd; lecherous. – Acrid; biting; pungent; as, hot as mustard. – To commit; to intrust. – To promise.
HurtA band on a trip-hammer helve, bearing the trunnions. – A husk. See Husk, 2. – of Hurt – To cause physical pain to; to do bodily harm to; to wound or bruise painfully. – To impar the value, usefulness, beauty, or pleasure of; to damage; to injure; to harm. – To wound the feelings of; to cause mental pain to; to offend in honor or self-respect; to annoy; to grieve.
KindCharacteristic of the species; belonging to one’s nature; natural; native. – Having feelings befitting our common nature; congenial; sympathetic; as, a kind man; a kind heart. – Showing tenderness or goodness; disposed to do good and confer happiness; averse to hurting or paining; benevolent; benignant; gracious. – Proceeding from, or characterized by, goodness, gentleness, or benevolence; as, a kind act. – Gentle; tractable; easily governed; as, a horse kind in harness. – Nature; natural instinct or disposition. – Race; genus; species; generic class; as, in mankind or humankind. – Nature; style; character; sort; fashion; manner; variety; description; class; as, there are several kinds of eloquence, of style, and of music; many kinds of government; various kinds of soil, etc. – To beget.
LaughTo show mirth, satisfaction, or derision, by peculiar movement of the muscles of the face, particularly of the mouth, causing a lighting up of the face and eyes, and usually accompanied by the emission of explosive or chuckling sounds from the chest and throat; to indulge in laughter. – Fig.: To be or appear gay, cheerful, pleasant, mirthful, lively, or brilliant; to sparkle; to sport. – To affect or influence by means of laughter or ridicule. – To express by, or utter with, laughter; — with out. – An expression of mirth peculiar to the human species; the sound heard in laughing; laughter. See Laugh, v. i.
LongDrawn out in a line, or in the direction of length; protracted; extended; as, a long line; — opposed to short, and distinguished from broad or wide. – Drawn out or extended in time; continued through a considerable tine, or to a great length; as, a long series of events; a long debate; a long drama; a long history; a long book. – Slow in passing; causing weariness by length or duration; lingering; as, long hours of watching. – Occurring or coming after an extended interval; distant in time; far away. – Extended to any specified measure; of a specified length; as, a span long; a yard long; a mile long, that is, extended to the measure of a mile, etc. – Far-reaching; extensive. – Prolonged, or relatively more prolonged, in utterance; — said of vowels and syllables. See Short, a., 13, and Guide to Pronunciation, // 22, 30. – A note formerly used in music, one half the length of a large, twice that of a breve. – A long sound, syllable, or vowel. – The longest dimension; the greatest extent; — in the phrase, the long and the short of it, that is, the sum and substance of it. – To a great extent in apace; as, a long drawn out line. – To a great extent in time; during a long time. – At a point of duration far distant, either prior or posterior; as, not long before; not long after; long before the foundation of Rome; long after the Conquest. – Through the whole extent or duration. – Through an extent of time, more or less; — only in question; as, how long will you be gone? – By means of; by the fault of; because of. – To feel a strong or morbid desire or craving; to wish for something with eagerness; — followed by an infinitive, or by after or for. – To belong; — used with to, unto, or for.
MuchGreat in quantity; long in duration; as, much rain has fallen; much time. – Many in number. – High in rank or position. – A great quantity; a great deal; also, an indefinite quantity; as, you have as much as I. – A thing uncommon, wonderful, or noticeable; something considerable. – To a great degree or extent; greatly; abundantly; far; nearly.
MyselfI or me in person; — used for emphasis, my own self or person; as I myself will do it; I have done it myself; — used also instead of me, as the object of the first person of a reflexive verb, without emphasis; as, I will defend myself.
NeverNot ever; not at any time; at no time, whether past, present, or future. – In no degree; not in the least; not.
OnlyOne alone; single; as, the only man present; his only occupation. – Alone in its class; by itself; not associated with others of the same class or kind; as, an only child. – Hence, figuratively: Alone, by reason of superiority; preeminent; chief. – In one manner or degree; for one purpose alone; simply; merely; barely. – So and no otherwise; no other than; exclusively; solely; wholly. – Singly; without more; as, only-begotten. – Above all others; particularly. – Save or except (that); — an adversative used elliptically with or without that, and properly introducing a single fact or consideration.
OwnTo grant; to acknowledge; to admit to be true; to confess; to recognize in a particular character; as, we own that we have forfeited your love. – Belonging to; belonging exclusively or especially to; peculiar; — most frequently following a possessive pronoun, as my, our, thy, your, his, her, its, their, in order to emphasize or intensify the idea of property, peculiar interest, or exclusive ownership; as, my own father; my own composition; my own idea; at my own price. – To hold as property; to have a legal or rightful title to; to be the proprietor or possessor of; to possess; as, to own a house.
PickTo throw; to pitch. – To peck at, as a bird with its beak; to strike at with anything pointed; to act upon with a pointed instrument; to pierce; to prick, as with a pin. – To separate or open by means of a sharp point or points; as, to pick matted wool, cotton, oakum, etc. – To open (a lock) as by a wire. – To pull apart or away, especially with the fingers; to pluck; to gather, as fruit from a tree, flowers from the stalk, feathers from a fowl, etc. – To remove something from with a pointed instrument, with the fingers, or with the teeth; as, to pick the teeth; to pick a bone; to pick a goose; to pick a pocket. – To choose; to select; to separate as choice or desirable; to cull; as, to pick one’s company; to pick one’s way; — often with out. – To take up; esp., to gather from here and there; to collect; to bring together; as, to pick rags; — often with up; as, to pick up a ball or stones; to pick up information. – To trim. – To eat slowly, sparingly, or by morsels; to nibble. – To do anything nicely or carefully, or by attending to small things; to select something with care. – To steal; to pilfer. – A sharp-pointed tool for picking; — often used in composition; as, a toothpick; a picklock. – A heavy iron tool, curved and sometimes pointed at both ends, wielded by means of a wooden handle inserted in the middle, — used by quarrymen, roadmakers, etc.; also, a pointed hammer used for dressing millstones. – A pike or spike; the sharp point fixed in the center of a buckler. – Choice; right of selection; as, to have one’s pick. – That which would be picked or chosen first; the best; as, the pick of the flock. – A particle of ink or paper imbedded in the hollow of a letter, filling up its face, and occasioning a spot on a printed sheet. – That which is picked in, as with a pointed pencil, to correct an unevenness in a picture. – The blow which drives the shuttle, — the rate of speed of a loom being reckoned as so many picks per minute; hence, in describing the fineness of a fabric, a weft thread; as, so many picks to an inch.
SevenOne more than six; six and one added; as, seven days make one week. – The number greater by one than six; seven units or objects. – A symbol representing seven units, as 7, or vii.
ShowTo exhibit or present to view; to place in sight; to display; — the thing exhibited being the object, and often with an indirect object denoting the person or thing seeing or beholding; as, to show a house; show your colors; shopkeepers show customers goods (show goods to customers). – To exhibit to the mental view; to tell; to disclose; to reveal; to make known; as, to show one’s designs. – Specifically, to make known the way to (a person); hence, to direct; to guide; to asher; to conduct; as, to show a person into a parlor; to show one to the door. – To make apparent or clear, as by evidence, testimony, or reasoning; to prove; to explain; also, to manifest; to evince; as, to show the truth of a statement; to show the causes of an event. – To bestow; to confer; to afford; as, to show favor. – To exhibit or manifest one’s self or itself; to appear; to look; to be in appearance; to seem. – To have a certain appearance, as well or ill, fit or unfit; to become or suit; to appear. – The act of showing, or bringing to view; exposure to sight; exhibition. – That which os shown, or brought to view; that which is arranged to be seen; a spectacle; an exhibition; as, a traveling show; a cattle show. – Proud or ostentatious display; parade; pomp. – Semblance; likeness; appearance. – False semblance; deceitful appearance; pretense. – A discharge, from the vagina, of mucus streaked with blood, occuring a short time before labor. – A pale blue flame, at the top of a candle flame, indicating the presence of fire damp.
SixOne more than five; twice three; as, six yards. – The number greater by a unit than five; the sum of three and three; six units or objects. – A symbol representing six units, as 6, vi., or VI.
SmallHaving little size, compared with other things of the same kind; little in quantity or degree; diminutive; not large or extended in dimension; not great; not much; inconsiderable; as, a small man; a small river. – Being of slight consequence; feeble in influence or importance; unimportant; trivial; insignificant; as, a small fault; a small business. – Envincing little worth or ability; not large-minded; — sometimes, in reproach, paltry; mean. – Not prolonged in duration; not extended in time; short; as, after a small space. – Weak; slender; fine; gentle; soft; not loud. – In or to small extent, quantity, or degree; little; slightly. – Not loudly; faintly; timidly. – The small or slender part of a thing; as, the small of the leg or of the back. – Smallclothes. – Same as Little go. See under Little, a. – To make little or less.
StartTo leap; to jump. – To move suddenly, as with a spring or leap, from surprise, pain, or other sudden feeling or emotion, or by a voluntary act. – To set out; to commence a course, as a race or journey; to begin; as, to start business. – To become somewhat displaced or loosened; as, a rivet or a seam may start under strain or pressure. – To cause to move suddenly; to disturb suddenly; to startle; to alarm; to rouse; to cause to flee or fly; as, the hounds started a fox. – To bring onto being or into view; to originate; to invent. – To cause to move or act; to set going, running, or flowing; as, to start a railway train; to start a mill; to start a stream of water; to start a rumor; to start a business. – To move suddenly from its place or position; to displace or loosen; to dislocate; as, to start a bone; the storm started the bolts in the vessel. – To pour out; to empty; to tap and begin drawing from; as, to start a water cask. – The act of starting; a sudden spring, leap, or motion, caused by surprise, fear, pain, or the like; any sudden motion, or beginning of motion. – A convulsive motion, twitch, or spasm; a spasmodic effort. – A sudden, unexpected movement; a sudden and capricious impulse; a sally; as, starts of fancy. – The beginning, as of a journey or a course of action; first motion from a place; act of setting out; the outset; — opposed to finish. – A tail, or anything projecting like a tail. – The handle, or tail, of a plow; also, any long handle. – The curved or inclined front and bottom of a water-wheel bucket. – The arm, or level, of a gin, drawn around by a horse.
TenOne more than nine; twice five. – The number greater by one than nine; the sum of five and five; ten units of objects. – A symbol representing ten units, as 10, x, or X.
TodayThis present day.
TogetherIn company or association with respect to place or time; as, to live together in one house; to live together in the same age; they walked together to the town. – In or into union; into junction; as, to sew, knit, or fasten two things together; to mix things together. – In concert; with mutual cooperation; as, the allies made war upon France together.
TryTo divide or separate, as one sort from another; to winnow; to sift; to pick out; — frequently followed by out; as, to try out the wild corn from the good. – To purify or refine, as metals; to melt out, and procure in a pure state, as oil, tallow, lard, etc. – To prove by experiment; to apply a test to, for the purpose of determining the quality; to examine; to prove; to test; as, to try weights or measures by a standard; to try a man’s opinions. – To subject to severe trial; to put to the test; to cause suffering or trouble to. – To experiment with; to test by use; as, to try a remedy for disease; to try a horse. – To strain; to subject to excessive tests; as, the light tries his eyes; repeated disappointments try one’s patience. – To examine or investigate judicially; to examine by witnesses or other judicial evidence and the principles of law; as, to try a cause, or a criminal. – To settle; to decide; to determine; specifically, to decide by an appeal to arms; as, to try rival claims by a duel; to try conclusions. – To experience; to have or gain knowledge of by experience. – To essay; to attempt; to endeavor. – To exert strength; to endeavor; to make an effort or an attempt; as, you must try hard if you wish to learn. – To do; to fare; as, how do you try! – A screen, or sieve, for grain. – Act of trying; attempt; experiment; trial. – Refined; select; excellent; choice.
WarmHaving heat in a moderate degree; not cold as, warm milk. – Having a sensation of heat, esp. of gentle heat; glowing. – Subject to heat; having prevalence of heat, or little or no cold weather; as, the warm climate of Egypt. – Fig.: Not cool, indifferent, lukewarm, or the like, in spirit or temper; zealous; ardent; fervent; excited; sprightly; irritable; excitable. – Violent; vehement; furious; excited; passionate; as, a warm contest; a warm debate. – Being well off as to property, or in good circumstances; forehanded; rich. – In children’s games, being near the object sought for; hence, being close to the discovery of some person, thing, or fact concealed. – Having yellow or red for a basis, or in their composition; — said of colors, and opposed to cold which is of blue and its compounds. – To communicate a moderate degree of heat to; to render warm; to supply or furnish heat to; as, a stove warms an apartment. – To make engaged or earnest; to interest; to engage; to excite ardor or zeal; to enliven. – To become warm, or moderately heated; as, the earth soon warms in a clear day summer. – To become ardent or animated; as, the speake/ warms as he proceeds. – The act of warming, or the state of being warmed; a warming; a heating.

These were the Dolch spelling words. Practice this list and move on to the next featured spelling bee word list.

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