6th grade Spelling bee words list that will help you win

6th grade spelling words
This entry is part 6 of 10 in the series Word lists by grade


Welcome to the 6th grade, and welcome to middle school.
Starting this year, your education will be taking a new turn as you begin to study more comprehensive subjects and textbooks.
With all that, Spelling Bee Ninja would like to add our spelling words for 6th grade into the mix.
This page is dedicated to you and provides a fresh selection of 6th grade Spelling Words, to find more words related to sixth grade please visit our web Spelling Bee Ninja web app.

6th grade Spelling Words


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6th grade words definitions

If you find difficulties with this level don’t worry !!! It’s normal at the beginning.
Some words from this 6th grade Spelling Words list are quite tricky, find in the following table the definitions of the hardest one:

EnduringLasting; durable; long-suffering; as, an enduring disposition. – To remain firm, as under trial or suffering; to suffer patiently or without yielding; to bear up under adversity; to hold out. – To remain firm under; to sustain; to undergo; to support without breaking or yielding; as, metals endure a certain degree of heat without melting; to endure wind and weather. – To bear with patience; to suffer without opposition or without sinking under the pressure or affliction; to bear up under; to put up with; to tolerate. – To harden; to toughen; to make hardy.
AgitationThe act of agitating, or the state of being agitated; the state of being moved with violence, or with irregular action; commotion; as, the sea after a storm is in agitation. – A stirring up or arousing; disturbance of tranquillity; disturbance of mind which shows itself by physical excitement; perturbation; as, to cause any one agitation. – Excitement of public feeling by discussion, appeals, etc.; as, the antislavery agitation; labor agitation. – Examination or consideration of a subject in controversy, or of a plan proposed for adoption; earnest discussion; debate.
EnlistedTo enter on a list; to enroll; to register. – To engage for military or naval service, the name being entered on a list or register; as, to enlist men. – To secure the support and aid of; to employ in advancing interest; as, to enlist persons in the cause of truth, or in a charitable enterprise. – To enroll and bind one’s self for military or naval service; as, he enlisted in the regular army; the men enlisted for the war. – To enter heartily into a cause, as if enrolled.
ExcessThe state of surpassing or going beyond limits; the being of a measure beyond sufficiency, necessity, or duty; that which exceeds what is usual or prover; immoderateness; superfluity; superabundance; extravagance; as, an excess of provisions or of light. – An undue indulgence of the appetite; transgression of proper moderation in natural gratifications; intemperance; dissipation. – The degree or amount by which one thing or number exceeds another; remainder; as, the difference between two numbers is the excess of one over the other.
ParenthesesA word, phrase, or sentence, by way of comment or explanation, inserted in, or attached to, a sentence which would be grammatically complete without it. It is usually inclosed within curved lines (see def. 2 below), or dashes. – One of the curved lines () which inclose a parenthetic word or phrase.
AquaticPertaining to water; growing in water; living in, swimming in, or frequenting the margins of waters; as, aquatic plants and fowls. – An aquatic animal or plant. – Sports or exercises practiced in or on the water.
ExhaleTo breathe out. Hence: To emit, as vapor; to send out, as an odor; to evaporate; as, the earth exhales vapor; marshes exhale noxious effluvia. – To draw out; to cause to be emitted in vapor; as, the sum exhales the moisture of the earth. – To rise or be given off, as vapor; to pass off, or vanish.
ArticleA distinct portion of an instrument, discourse, literary work, or any other writing, consisting of two or more particulars, or treating of various topics; as, an article in the Constitution. Hence: A clause in a contract, system of regulations, treaty, or the like; a term, condition, or stipulation in a contract; a concise statement; as, articles of agreement. – A literary composition, forming an independent portion of a magazine, newspaper, or cyclopedia. – Subject; matter; concern; distinct. – A distinct part. – A particular one of various things; as, an article of merchandise; salt is a necessary article. – Precise point of time; moment. – One of the three words, a, an, the, used before nouns to limit or define their application. A (or an) is called the indefinite article, the the definite article. – One of the segments of an articulated appendage. – To formulate in articles; to set forth in distinct particulars. – To accuse or charge by an exhibition of articles. – To bind by articles of covenant or stipulation; as, to article an apprentice to a mechanic. – To agree by articles; to stipulate; to bargain; to covenant.
ExteriorExternal; outward; pertaining to that which is external; — opposed to interior; as, the exterior part of a sphere. – External; on the outside; without the limits of; extrinsic; as, an object exterior to a man, opposed to what is within, or in his mind. – Relating to foreign nations; foreign; as, the exterior relations of a state or kingdom. – The outward surface or part of a thing; that which is external; outside. – Outward or external deportment, form, or ceremony; visible act; as, the exteriors of religion.
PitiedPiety. – A feeling for the sufferings or distresses of another or others; sympathy with the grief or misery of another; compassion; fellow-feeling; commiseration. – A reason or cause of pity, grief, or regret; a thing to be regretted. – To feel pity or compassion for; to have sympathy with; to compassionate; to commiserate; to have tender feelings toward (any one), awakened by a knowledge of suffering. – To move to pity; — used impersonally. – To be compassionate; to show pity.
FeasibleCapable of being done, executed, or effected; practicable. – Fit to be used or tailed, as land.
PorpoiseAny small cetacean of the genus Phocaena, especially P. communis, or P. phocaena, of Europe, and the closely allied American species (P. Americana). The color is dusky or blackish above, paler beneath. They are closely allied to the dolphins, but have a shorter snout. Called also harbor porpoise, herring hag, puffing pig, and snuffer. – A true dolphin (Delphinus); — often so called by sailors.
FellowshipThe state or relation of being or associate. – Companionship of persons on equal and friendly terms; frequent and familiar intercourse. – A state of being together; companionship; partnership; association; hence, confederation; joint interest. – Those associated with one, as in a family, or a society; a company. – A foundation for the maintenance, on certain conditions, of a scholar called a fellow, who usually resides at the university. – The rule for dividing profit and loss among partners; — called also partnership, company, and distributive proportion. – To acknowledge as of good standing, or in communion according to standards of faith and practice; to admit to Christian fellowship.
FertilizeTo make fertile or enrich; to supply with nourishment for plants; to make fruitful or productive; as, to fertilize land, soil, ground, and meadows. – To fecundate; as, to fertilize flower.
BoughAn arm or branch of a tree, esp. a large arm or main branch. – A gallows.
FormerlyIn time past, either in time immediately preceding or at any indefinite distance; of old; heretofore.
PreservedTo keep or save from injury or destruction; to guard or defend from evil, harm, danger, etc.; to protect. – To save from decay by the use of some preservative substance, as sugar, salt, etc.; to season and prepare for remaining in a good state, as fruits, meat, etc.; as, to preserve peaches or grapes. – To maintain throughout; to keep intact; as, to preserve appearances; to preserve silence. – To make preserves. – To protect game for purposes of sport. – That which is preserved; fruit, etc., seasoned and kept by suitable preparation; esp., fruit cooked with sugar; — commonly in the plural. – A place in which game, fish, etc., are preserved for purposes of sport, or for food.
FractionThe act of breaking, or state of being broken, especially by violence. – A portion; a fragment. – One or more aliquot parts of a unit or whole number; an expression for a definite portion of a unit or magnitude. – To separate by means of, or to subject to, fractional distillation or crystallization; to fractionate; — frequently used with out; as, to fraction out a certain grade of oil from pretroleum.
ProductivityThe quality or state of being productive; productiveness.
ChopstickOne of two small sticks of wood, ivory, etc., used by the Chinese and Japanese to convey food to the mouth.
ImposeTo lay on; to set or place; to put; to deposit. – To lay as a charge, burden, tax, duty, obligation, command, penalty, etc.; to enjoin; to levy; to inflict; as, to impose a toll or tribute. – To lay on, as the hands, in the religious rites of confirmation and ordination. – To arrange in proper order on a table of stone or metal and lock up in a chase for printing; — said of columns or pages of type, forms, etc. – To practice trick or deception. – A command; injunction.
RecommendationThe act of recommending. – That which recommends, or commends to favor; anything procuring, or tending to procure, a favorable reception, or to secure acceptance and adoption; as, he brought excellent recommendations. – The state of being recommended; esteem.
InformalNot in the regular, usual, or established form; not according to official, conventional, prescribed, or customary forms or rules; irregular; hence, without ceremony; as, an informal writting, proceeding, or visit. – Deranged in mind; out of one’s senses.
CoincidenceThe condition of occupying the same place in space; as, the coincidence of circles, surfaces, etc. – The condition or fact of happening at the same time; as, the coincidence of the deaths of John Adams and Thomas Jefferson. – Exact correspondence in nature, character, result, circumstances, etc.; concurrence; agreement.
InterferingTo come in collision; to be in opposition; to clash; as, interfering claims, or commands. – To enter into, or take a part in, the concerns of others; to intermeddle; to interpose. – To strike one foot against the opposite foot or ankle in using the legs; — sometimes said of a human being, but usually of a horse; as, the horse interferes. – To act reciprocally, so as to augment, diminish, or otherwise affect one another; — said of waves, rays of light, heat, etc. See Interference, 2. – To cover the same ground; to claim the same invention.
InvincibleIncapable of being conquered, overcome, or subdued; unconquerable; insuperable; as, an invincible army, or obstacle.
RemissNot energetic or exact in duty or business; not careful or prompt in fulfilling engagements; negligent; careless; tardy; behindhand; lagging; slack; hence, lacking earnestness or activity; languid; slow. – The act of being remiss; inefficiency; failure.
ResembleTo be like or similar to; to bear the similitude of, either in appearance or qualities; as, these brothers resemble each other. – To liken; to compare; to represent as like. – To counterfeit; to imitate. – To cause to imitate or be like.
LeviedA name formerly given in Pennsylvania, Maryland, and Virginia to the Spanish real of one eighth of a dollar (or 12/ cents), valued at eleven pence when the dollar was rated at 7s. 6d. – The act of levying or collecting by authority; as, the levy of troops, taxes, etc. – That which is levied, as an army, force, tribute, etc. – The taking or seizure of property on executions to satisfy judgments, or on warrants for the collection of taxes; a collecting by execution. – To raise, as a siege. – To raise; to collect; said of troops, to form into an army by enrollment, conscription, etc. – To raise or collect by assessment; to exact by authority; as, to levy taxes, toll, tribute, or contributions. – To gather or exact; as, to levy money. – To erect, build, or set up; to make or construct; to raise or cast up; as, to levy a mill, dike, ditch, a nuisance, etc. – To take or seize on execution; to collect by execution. – To seize property, real or personal, or subject it to the operation of an execution; to make a levy; as, to levy on property; the usual mode of levying, in England, is by seizing the goods.
ResolutionThe act, operation, or process of resolving. Specifically: (a) The act of separating a compound into its elements or component parts. (b) The act of analyzing a complex notion, or solving a vexed question or difficult problem. – The state of being relaxed; relaxation. – The state of being resolved, settled, or determined; firmness; steadiness; constancy; determination. – That which is resolved or determined; a settled purpose; determination. Specifically: A formal expression of the opinion or will of an official body or a public assembly, adopted by vote; as, a legislative resolution; the resolutions of a public meeting. – The state of being resolved or firm in opinion or thought; conviction; assurance. – The act or process of solving; solution; as, the resolution of an equation or problem. – A breaking up, disappearance; or termination, as of a fever, a tumor, or the like. – The passing of a dissonant into a consonant chord by the rising or falling of the note which makes the discord.
LotionA washing, especially of the skin for the purpose of rendering it fair. – A liquid preparation for bathing the skin, or an injured or diseased part, either for a medicinal purpose, or for improving its appearance.
DecidingTo cut off; to separate. – To bring to a termination, as a question, controversy, struggle, by giving the victory to one side or party; to render judgment concerning; to determine; to settle. – To determine; to form a definite opinion; to come to a conclusion; to give decision; as, the court decided in favor of the defendant.
MarriedTo unite in wedlock or matrimony; to perform the ceremony of joining, as a man and a woman, for life; to constitute (a man and a woman) husband and wife according to the laws or customs of the place. – To join according to law, (a man) to a woman as his wife, or (a woman) to a man as her husband. See the Note to def. 4. – To dispose of in wedlock; to give away as wife. – To take for husband or wife. See the Note below. – Figuratively, to unite in the closest and most endearing relation. – To enter into the conjugal or connubial state; to take a husband or a wife. – Indeed ! in truth ! — a term of asseveration said to have been derived from the practice of swearing by the Virgin Mary.
RottingTo undergo a process common to organic substances by which they lose the cohesion of their parts and pass through certain chemical changes, giving off usually in some stages of the process more or less offensive odors; to become decomposed by a natural process; to putrefy; to decay. – Figuratively: To perish slowly; to decay; to die; to become corrupt. – To make putrid; to cause to be wholly or partially decomposed by natural processes; as, to rot vegetable fiber. – To expose, as flax, to a process of maceration, etc., for the purpose of separating the fiber; to ret. – Process of rotting; decay; putrefaction. – A disease or decay in fruits, leaves, or wood, supposed to be caused by minute fungi. See Bitter rot, Black rot, etc., below. – A fatal distemper which attacks sheep and sometimes other animals. It is due to the presence of a parasitic worm in the liver or gall bladder. See 1st Fluke, 2.
MarshalOriginally, an officer who had the care of horses; a groom. – An officer of high rank, charged with the arrangement of ceremonies, the conduct of operations, or the like – One who goes before a prince to declare his coming and provide entertainment; a harbinger; a pursuivant. – One who regulates rank and order at a feast or any other assembly, directs the order of procession, and the like. – The chief officer of arms, whose duty it was, in ancient times, to regulate combats in the lists. – The highest military officer. – A ministerial officer, appointed for each judicial district of the United States, to execute the process of the courts of the United States, and perform various duties, similar to those of a sheriff. The name is also sometimes applied to certain police officers of a city. – To dispose in order; to arrange in a suitable manner; as, to marshal troops or an army. – To direct, guide, or lead. – To dispose in due order, as the different quarterings on an escutcheon, or the different crests when several belong to an achievement.
ScholarOne who attends a school; one who learns of a teacher; one under the tuition of a preceptor; a pupil; a disciple; a learner; a student. – One engaged in the pursuits of learning; a learned person; one versed in any branch, or in many branches, of knowledge; a person of high literary or scientific attainments; a savant. – A man of books. – In English universities, an undergraduate who belongs to the foundation of a college, and receives support in part from its revenues.
DescendantDescendent. – One who descends, as offspring, however remotely; — correlative to ancestor or ascendant.
MeaslesLeprosy; also, a leper. – A contagious febrile disorder commencing with catarrhal symptoms, and marked by the appearance on the third day of an eruption of distinct red circular spots, which coalesce in a crescentic form, are slightly raised above the surface, and after the fourth day of the eruption gradually decline; rubeola. – A disease of cattle and swine in which the flesh is filled with the embryos of different varieties of the tapeworm. – A disease of trees. – The larvae of any tapeworm (Taenia) in the cysticerus stage, when contained in meat. Called also bladder worms.
MechanicThe art of the application of the laws of motion or force to construction. – A mechanician; an artisan; an artificer; one who practices any mechanic art; one skilled or employed in shaping and uniting materials, as wood, metal, etc., into any kind of structure, machine, or other object, requiring the use of tools, or instruments. – Having to do with the application of the laws of motion in the art of constructing or making things; of or pertaining to mechanics; mechanical; as, the mechanic arts. – Of or pertaining to a mechanic or artificer, or to the class of artisans; hence, rude; common; vulgar. – Base.
MonarchA sole or supreme ruler; a sovereign; the highest ruler; an emperor, king, queen, prince, or chief. – One superior to all others of the same kind; as, an oak is called the monarch of the forest. – A patron deity or presiding genius. – A very large red and black butterfly (Danais Plexippus); — called also milkweed butterfly. – Superior to others; preeminent; supreme; ruling.
MusicianOne skilled in the art or science of music; esp., a skilled singer, or performer on a musical instrument.
DominoesA kind of hood worn by the canons of a cathedral church; a sort of amice. – A mourning veil formerly worn by women. – A kind of mask; particularly, a half mask worn at masquerades, to conceal the upper part of the face. Dominos were formerly worn by ladies in traveling. – A costume worn as a disguise at masquerades, consisting of a robe with a hood adjustable at pleasure. – A person wearing a domino. – A game played by two or more persons, with twenty-eight pieces of wood, bone, or ivory, of a flat, oblong shape, plain at the back, but on the face divided by a line in the middle, and either left blank or variously dotted after the manner of dice. The game is played by matching the spots or the blank of an unmatched half of a domino already played – One of the pieces with which the game of dominoes is played.
NeighborhoodThe quality or condition of being a neighbor; the state of being or dwelling near; proximity. – A place near; vicinity; adjoining district; a region the inhabitants of which may be counted as neighbors; as, he lives in my neighborhood. – The inhabitants who live in the vicinity of each other; as, the fire alarmed all the neiborhood. – The disposition becoming a neighbor; neighborly kindness or good will.
DynamiteAn explosive substance consisting of nitroglycerin absorbed by some inert, porous solid, as infusorial earth, sawdust, etc. It is safer than nitroglycerin, being less liable to explosion from moderate shocks, or from spontaneous decomposition.
TougheningTo grow or make tough, or tougher.
OrchardA garden. – An inclosure containing fruit trees; also, the fruit trees, collectively; — used especially of apples, peaches, pears, cherries, plums, or the like, less frequently of nutbearing trees and of sugar maple trees.
EmptinessThe state of being empty; absence of contents; void space; vacuum; as, the emptiness of a vessel; emptiness of the stomach. – Want of solidity or substance; unsatisfactoriness; inability to satisfy desire; vacuity; hollowness; the emptiness of earthly glory. – Want of knowledge; lack of sense; vacuity of mind.

If you need to train a a little bit using words list from previous years, so please feel free to get our spelling bee trainer and set it up for spelling test from previous grades, starting with grade 3 then grade 4 then grade 5 then get back to these spelling words for 6th grade.
Switch to the next level only when you feel to do it, don’t rush, be constant and everything will come naturally.

Read a lot

Remember that reading is a great way to
1) Open your mind and improve your critical thinking capabilities.
2) Learn new words and improve your spelling skills.

So keep on reading everything you can (books but also magazines, comics, instruction manuals), if possible read more using paper because it is much less relaxing for your eyes than a computer monitor, also when reading on paper you are much more focused on what you are reading (no hyper links there to distract you), improving your concentration skills.

Talk with your parents and teacher about the subjects you like the most: detective stories, adventures, funny stories and so on and together with them identify new books to borrow from the school library or, if you really like one, buy it at the bookstore.

While reading your favorite things, always keep a bloc notes with you and a pen or pencil…as you find a word you don’t know the meaning, or that it sounds strange to you to pronounce or spell….fire up your pen and write it down.

At the end of the day, talk with your parents and ask them the word’s meaning, you can also use software aid like the dictionary from Spelling Bee Ninja, but remember that if you ask an explanation to a person, it is way more likely you are going to remember that word, this is because in your brain you associate the words with something that really happened to you (your dad explaining the meaning), also a good way to remember is to make examples of sentences using facts and things that have a real life connection with your life, like for instance a field trip you did or something related to your family or your cat and so on.
That way it will be way easier to memorize a lot of concepts without using your CPU power too much, and it’s fun too.
Find more about the importance of reading in this article.
Print the words (or even better write them down the old good way… yeah using a pen) and use the lists to organize spelling bee contests with your classmates and train for the official events.

Even if you manage to master the spelling list 6th grade here, do not forget to check out  this Definitive year 6 list, also, consider trying our Spelling Bee Ninja App if you didn’t do it yet, we made it to help students like you and you get real benefits when using it constantly.

To recap

  • Read (possibly on paper)
  • Write (manually)
  • Memorize asking to your parents/teachers/friends and using real life example.
  • Practice spelling using our free software.
  • Be constant and no rush.

That’s it….you will have a lot of fun, trust me.

Write us about your progresses and just in case you need help using this page

Best of luck !!!

Check out all our spelling lists at the following links:
1st grade Spelling Words
2nd grade Spelling Words
3rd grade Spelling Words
4th grade Spelling Words
5th grade Spelling Words
6th grade Spelling Words
7th grade Spelling Words
8th grade Spelling Words
High School Spelling Words
Very Difficult Spelling Words
Hard Words to spell
Arabic words
Asian words
Latin words
Japanese words
Spanish words
Dolch Words for first graders
Dolch Words for second graders
Dolch Words for third graders
Dolch words nouns
Most difficult SAT words

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