Spelling Bee giveaway.

Online Spelling Bee – Free premium giveaways

Get some of our best spelling resources for free, hurry up to claim your prize


Spelling Bee Ninja is a fantastic platform for students and teachers who love the English language and want to excel in it. We have visitors of all ages that love to browse through our offerings, and we are proud of our online Spelling bee materials. Also, we house a one-of-a-kind and user-friendly spelling bee manual you can utilize to boost your skills.

Our website is getting more and more users every week, and we organized this promotion to increase further our popularity and have the possibility to offer even more free resources to K12 Students..

The Share and Win Giveaways

You are one of the most fortunate online spelling bee enthusiasts that will be getting the following for FREE:

A copy of our Spelling Bee Manual


A 3-month free student account on Spelling Bee Ninja.

mastering spelling bee book

YES, That’s right, you are about to get:

  • A Complete and unrestricted access to our one-of-a-kind Spelling Bee Ninja application.
  • 90 days of unrestricted access to our spelling bee training platform.
  • You will access various spelling exercises, printable tables, flashcards, and other English learning programs.
  • A FREE COPY of our world famous Spelling Bee Training Manual

How can you get all this for FREE?


1) If you have a website

Share one or more of our articles on your website to get a 3-month free student account on Spelling Bee Nina.

2) If you have a social account

Share one or more of our articles on your social media [Facebook, Instagram, Youtube] to get a free copy of our Spelling Bee Training manual.

3) If you have a website and a Social account

Do any of the above actions and avail yourself of our premium offerings for FREE.

Once completed the actions fill the form below to notify us of the sharing and receive coupon codes to get your prize.

What do you get from us?

At Spelling bee ninja, we aim to provide you with numerous English-improving tools. When you sign up with us, you get the following:

  • You get our official app which includes multiple English and online spelling bee tools.
  • You get access to hundreds of articles that can help you, your students, or your kids with English.
  • You get to become a spelling bee wizard in short time.
  • You get printable puzzles, spelling exercises, and flashcards for FREE.
  • You get access to various modules designed to train you in better English.
  • You can also join our private Facebook group for social interaction with other online spelling bee enthusiasts.

What is included in our online Spelling bee Manual?

Spelling Bee Ninja’s spelling manual consists of 180 pages of detailed information with multiple sections concerning spelling bees. Also, it describes the rules and strategies to prepare yourself for the next spelling bee championship.

Some of its primary features include but are not limited to the following:

  • An overview of the history of the spelling Bee. 
  • A guide to preparing for spelling bee contests.
  • A brief introduction to worldwide spelling bee tournaments
  • A detailed user manual for our official app. 
  • Complete word lists from grades 1 to 8 that you need to learn to appear in any spelling bee competition worldwide. 
  • One hundred eighty pages of helpful information, tips, tricks, and strategies to make you a Spelling Bee champ. 
  • The manual is divided into five primary sections to make your understanding easier and adjust your learning goals. 

Finally, you can get this unique manual for free by following the instructions above. IT ONLY TAKES TWO MINUTES. 

What is included in the Spelling Bee Training app?

Our training app is a one-of-a-kind app equipped with innovative and advanced techniques to prepare you for an online Spelling bee. It has the following perks:

  • It has excellent visuals that keep your kids occupied on the screen.
  • It has innovative teaching methods.
  • Your kids will learn difficult spelling in no time.
  • Once you operate the app, it will take you from easy to difficult to the most complex stages
  • Finally, it is a fun way of preparing your kids for the next online spelling bee competition. OR you can use our app to prepare for any spelling bee tournament worldwide

Lastly, the good news is that we are giving away one month of access to our app for FREE. So, follow the instructions above and get your hands on free unrestricted access to our app.

Final Thoughts

Spelling Bee Ninja is a great online platform where people from all parts of the world can come together and learn English. Also, our main focuses are improving the English of young students and helping them master it. 

Spelling bee online is a fantastic way to boost your word banks and vocabulary. So, we focus on spelling bees to make a master out of you. Furthermore, it makes us happy to see our platform grow each day. Also, when new users join and show interest in learning something from us, it gives us the courage to make more content. 

So, have you been preparing for a spelling bee online competition? What would you have us do for you? Where do you think you are stuck? Is it the spelling? Rules? Time limit? Don’t hesitate to contact us so we can improve our services.

Thanks for being a loyal Friend!