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Dolch Words Nouns
Apple | The fleshy pome or fruit of a rosaceous tree (Pyrus malus) cultivated in numberless varieties in the temperate zones. – Any tree genus Pyrus which has the stalk sunken into the base of the fruit; an apple tree. – Any fruit or other vegetable production resembling, or supposed to resemble, the apple; as, apple of love, or love apple (a tomato), balsam apple, egg apple, oak apple. – Anything round like an apple; as, an apple of gold. – To grow like an apple; to bear apples. |
Baby | An infant or young child of either sex; a babe. – A small image of an infant; a doll. – Pertaining to, or resembling, an infant; young or little; as, baby swans. – To treat like a young child; to keep dependent; to humor; to fondle. |
Bed | An article of furniture to sleep or take rest in or on; a couch. Specifically: A sack or mattress, filled with some soft material, in distinction from the bedstead on which it is placed (as, a feather bed), or this with the bedclothes added. In a general sense, any thing or place used for sleeping or reclining on or in, as a quantity of hay, straw, leaves, or twigs. – (Used as the symbol of matrimony) Marriage. – A plat or level piece of ground in a garden, usually a little raised above the adjoining ground. – A mass or heap of anything arranged like a bed; as, a bed of ashes or coals. – The bottom of a watercourse, or of any body of water; as, the bed of a river. – A layer or seam, or a horizontal stratum between layers; as, a bed of coal, iron, etc. – See Gun carriage, and Mortar bed. – The horizontal surface of a building stone; as, the upper and lower beds. – A course of stone or brick in a wall. – The place or material in which a block or brick is laid. – The lower surface of a brick, slate, or tile. – The foundation or the more solid and fixed part or framing of a machine; or a part on which something is laid or supported; as, the bed of an engine. – The superficial earthwork, or ballast, of a railroad. – The flat part of the press, on which the form is laid. – To place in a bed. – To make partaker of one’s bed; to cohabit with. – To furnish with a bed or bedding. – To plant or arrange in beds; to set, or cover, as in a bed of soft earth; as, to bed the roots of a plant in mold. – To lay or put in any hollow place, or place of rest and security, surrounded or inclosed; to embed; to furnish with or place upon a bed or foundation; as, to bed a stone; it was bedded on a rock. – To dress or prepare the surface of stone) so as to serve as a bed. – To lay flat; to lay in order; to place in a horizontal or recumbent position. – To go to bed; to cohabit. |
Bell | A hollow metallic vessel, usually shaped somewhat like a cup with a flaring mouth, containing a clapper or tongue, and giving forth a ringing sound on being struck. – A hollow perforated sphere of metal containing a loose ball which causes it to sound when moved. – Anything in the form of a bell, as the cup or corol of a flower. – That part of the capital of a column included between the abacus and neck molding; also used for the naked core of nearly cylindrical shape, assumed to exist within the leafage of a capital. – The strikes of the bell which mark the time; or the time so designated. – To put a bell upon; as, to bell the cat. – To make bell-mouthed; as, to bell a tube. – To develop bells or corollas; to take the form of a bell; to blossom; as, hops bell. – To utter by bellowing. – To call or bellow, as the deer in rutting time; to make a bellowing sound; to roar. |
Bird | Orig., a chicken; the young of a fowl; a young eaglet; a nestling; and hence, a feathered flying animal (see 2). – A warm-blooded, feathered vertebrate provided with wings. See Aves. – Specifically, among sportsmen, a game bird. – Fig.: A girl; a maiden. – To catch or shoot birds. – Hence: To seek for game or plunder; to thieve. |
Birthday | The day in which any person is born; day of origin or commencement. – The day of the month in which a person was born, in whatever succeeding year it may recur; the anniversary of one’s birth. – Of or pertaining to the day of birth, or its anniversary; as, birthday gifts or festivities. |
Boat | A small open vessel, or water craft, usually moved by cars or paddles, but often by a sail. – Hence, any vessel; usually with some epithet descriptive of its use or mode of propulsion; as, pilot boat, packet boat, passage boat, advice boat, etc. The term is sometimes applied to steam vessels, even of the largest class; as, the Cunard boats. – A vehicle, utensil, or dish, somewhat resembling a boat in shape; as, a stone boat; a gravy boat. – To transport in a boat; as, to boat goods. – To place in a boat; as, to boat oars. – To go or row in a boat. |
Box | A tree or shrub, flourishing in different parts of the world. The common box (Buxus sempervirens) has two varieties, one of which, the dwarf box (B. suffruticosa), is much used for borders in gardens. The wood of the tree varieties, being very hard and smooth, is extensively used in the arts, as by turners, engravers, mathematical instrument makers, etc. – A receptacle or case of any firm material and of various shapes. – The quantity that a box contain. – A space with a few seats partitioned off in a theater, or other place of public amusement. – A chest or any receptacle for the deposit of money; as, a poor box; a contribution box. – A small country house. – A boxlike shed for shelter; as, a sentry box. – An axle box, journal box, journal bearing, or bushing. – A chamber or section of tube in which a valve works; the bucket of a lifting pump. – The driver’s seat on a carriage or coach. – A present in a box; a present; esp. a Christmas box or gift. – The square in which the pitcher stands. – A Mediterranean food fish; the bogue. – To inclose in a box. – To furnish with boxes, as a wheel. – To inclose with boarding, lathing, etc., so as to bring to a required form. – A blow on the head or ear with the hand. – To fight with the fist; to combat with, or as with, the hand or fist; to spar. – To strike with the hand or fist, especially to strike on the ear, or on the side of the head. – To boxhaul. |
Boy | A male child, from birth to the age of puberty; a lad; hence, a son. – To act as a boy; — in allusion to the former practice of boys acting women’s parts on the stage. |
Bread | To spread. – An article of food made from flour or meal by moistening, kneading, and baking. – Food; sustenance; support of life, in general. – To cover with bread crumbs, preparatory to cooking; as, breaded cutlets. |
Brother | A male person who has the same father and mother with another person, or who has one of them only. In the latter case he is more definitely called a half brother, or brother of the half blood. – One related or closely united to another by some common tie or interest, as of rank, profession, membership in a society, toil, suffering, etc.; — used among judges, clergymen, monks, physicians, lawyers, professors of religion, etc. – One who, or that which, resembles another in distinctive qualities or traits of character. – To make a brother of; to call or treat as a brother; to admit to a brotherhood. |
Bye | A thing not directly aimed at; something which is a secondary object of regard; an object by the way, etc.; as in on or upon the bye, i. e., in passing; indirectly; by implication. – A run made upon a missed ball; as, to steal a bye. – A dwelling. – In certain games, a station or place of an individual player. |
Cake | A small mass of dough baked; especially, a thin loaf from unleavened dough; as, an oatmeal cake; johnnycake. – A sweetened composition of flour and other ingredients, leavened or unleavened, baked in a loaf or mass of any size or shape. – A thin wafer-shaped mass of fried batter; a griddlecake or pancake; as buckwheat cakes. – A mass of matter concreted, congealed, or molded into a solid mass of any form, esp. into a form rather flat than high; as, a cake of soap; an ague cake. – To form into a cake, or mass. – To concrete or consolidate into a hard mass, as dough in an oven; to coagulate. – To cackle as a goose. |
Car | A small vehicle moved on wheels; usually, one having but two wheels and drawn by one horse; a cart. – A vehicle adapted to the rails of a railroad. – A chariot of war or of triumph; a vehicle of splendor, dignity, or solemnity. – The stars also called Charles’s Wain, the Great Bear, or the Dipper. – The cage of a lift or elevator. – The basket, box, or cage suspended from a balloon to contain passengers, ballast, etc. – A floating perforated box for living fish. |
Cat | An animal of various species of the genera Felis and Lynx. The domestic cat is Felis domestica. The European wild cat (Felis catus) is much larger than the domestic cat. In the United States the name wild cat is commonly applied to the bay lynx (Lynx rufus) See Wild cat, and Tiger cat. – A strong vessel with a narrow stern, projecting quarters, and deep waist. It is employed in the coal and timber trade. – A strong tackle used to draw an anchor up to the cathead of a ship. – A double tripod (for holding a plate, etc.), having six feet, of which three rest on the ground, in whatever position in is placed. – An old game; (a) The game of tipcat and the implement with which it is played. See Tipcat. (c) A game of ball, called, according to the number of batters, one old cat, two old cat, etc. – A cat o’ nine tails. See below. – To bring to the cathead; as, to cat an anchor. See Anchor. |
Chair | A movable single seat with a back. – An official seat, as of a chief magistrate or a judge, but esp. that of a professor; hence, the office itself. – The presiding officer of an assembly; a chairman; as, to address the chair. – A vehicle for one person; either a sedan borne upon poles, or two-wheeled carriage, drawn by one horse; a gig. – An iron block used on railways to support the rails and secure them to the sleepers. – To place in a chair. – To carry publicly in a chair in triumph. |
Chicken | A young bird or fowl, esp. a young barnyard fowl. – A young person; a child; esp. a young woman; a maiden. |
Children | pl. of Child. – A descendant, however remote; — used esp. in the plural; as, the children of Israel; the children of Edom. – One who, by character of practice, shows signs of relationship to, or of the influence of, another; one closely connected with a place, occupation, character, etc.; as, a child of God; a child of the devil; a child of disobedience; a child of toil; a child of the people. – A noble youth. See Childe. – A young person of either sex. esp. one between infancy and youth; hence, one who exhibits the characteristics of a very young person, as innocence, obedience, trustfulness, limited understanding, etc. – A female infant. – To give birth; to produce young. |
Christmas | An annual church festival (December 25) and in some States a legal holiday, in memory of the birth of Christ, often celebrated by a particular church service, and also by special gifts, greetings, and hospitality. |
Claus | Santa Claus. |
Coat | An outer garment fitting the upper part of the body; especially, such a garment worn by men. – A petticoat. – The habit or vesture of an order of men, indicating the order or office; cloth. – An external covering like a garment, as fur, skin, wool, husk, or bark; as, the horses coats were sleek. – A layer of any substance covering another; a cover; a tegument; as, the coats of the eye; the coats of an onion; a coat of tar or varnish. – Same as Coat of arms. See below. – A coat card. See below. – To cover with a coat or outer garment. – To cover with a layer of any substance; as, to coat a jar with tin foil; to coat a ceiling. |
Corn | A thickening of the epidermis at some point, esp. on the toes, by friction or pressure. It is usually painful and troublesome. – A single seed of certain plants, as wheat, rye, barley, and maize; a grain. – The various farinaceous grains of the cereal grasses used for food, as wheat, rye, barley, maize, oats. – The plants which produce corn, when growing in the field; the stalks and ears, or the stalks, ears, and seeds, after reaping and before thrashing. – A small, hard particle; a grain. – To preserve and season with salt in grains; to sprinkle with salt; to cure by salting; now, specifically, to salt slightly in brine or otherwise; as, to corn beef; to corn a tongue. – To form into small grains; to granulate; as, to corn gunpowder. – To feed with corn or (in Sctland) oats; as, to corn horses. – To render intoxicated; as, ale strong enough to corn one. |
Cow | A chimney cap; a cowl – The mature female of bovine animals. – The female of certain large mammals, as whales, seals, etc. – To depress with fear; to daunt the spirits or courage of; to overawe. – A wedge, or brake, to check the motion of a machine or car; a chock. |
Day | The time of light, or interval between one night and the next; the time between sunrise and sunset, or from dawn to darkness; hence, the light; sunshine. – The period of the earth’s revolution on its axis. — ordinarily divided into twenty-four hours. It is measured by the interval between two successive transits of a celestial body over the same meridian, and takes a specific name from that of the body. Thus, if this is the sun, the day (the interval between two successive transits of the sun’s center over the same meridian) is called a solar day; if it is a star, a sidereal day; if it is the moon, a lunar day. See Civil day, Sidereal day, below. – Those hours, or the daily recurring period, allotted by usage or law for work. – A specified time or period; time, considered with reference to the existence or prominence of a person or thing; age; time. – (Preceded by the) Some day in particular, as some day of contest, some anniversary, etc. |
Dog | A quadruped of the genus Canis, esp. the domestic dog (C. familiaris). – A mean, worthless fellow; a wretch. – A fellow; — used humorously or contemptuously; as, a sly dog; a lazy dog. – One of the two constellations, Canis Major and Canis Minor, or the Greater Dog and the Lesser Dog. Canis Major contains the Dog Star (Sirius). – An iron for holding wood in a fireplace; a firedog; an andiron. – A grappling iron, with a claw or claws, for fastening into wood or other heavy articles, for the purpose of raising or moving them. – An iron with fangs fastening a log in a saw pit, or on the carriage of a sawmill. – A piece in machinery acting as a catch or clutch; especially, the carrier of a lathe, also, an adjustable stop to change motion, as in a machine tool. – To hunt or track like a hound; to follow insidiously or indefatigably; to chase with a dog or dogs; to worry, as if by dogs; to hound with importunity. |
Doll | A child’s puppet; a toy baby for a little girl. |
Door | An opening in the wall of a house or of an apartment, by which to go in and out; an entrance way. – The frame or barrier of boards, or other material, usually turning on hinges, by which an entrance way into a house or apartment is closed and opened. – Passage; means of approach or access. – An entrance way, but taken in the sense of the house or apartment to which it leads. |
Duck | A pet; a darling. – A linen (or sometimes cotton) fabric, finer and lighter than canvas, — used for the lighter sails of vessels, the sacking of beds, and sometimes for men’s clothing. – The light clothes worn by sailors in hot climates. – To thrust or plunge under water or other liquid and suddenly withdraw. – To plunge the head of under water, immediately withdrawing it; as, duck the boy. – To bow; to bob down; to move quickly with a downward motion. – To go under the surface of water and immediately reappear; to dive; to plunge the head in water or other liquid; to dip. – To drop the head or person suddenly; to bow. – Any bird of the subfamily Anatinae, family Anatidae. – A sudden inclination of the bead or dropping of the person, resembling the motion of a duck in water. |
Egg | The oval or roundish body laid by domestic poultry and other birds, tortoises, etc. It consists of a yolk, usually surrounded by the “white” or albumen, and inclosed in a shell or strong membrane. – A simple cell, from the development of which the young of animals are formed; ovum; germ cell. – Anything resembling an egg in form. – To urge on; to instigate; to incite/ |
Eye | A brood; as, an eye of pheasants. – The organ of sight or vision. In man, and the vertebrates generally, it is properly the movable ball or globe in the orbit, but the term often includes the adjacent parts. In most invertebrates the years are immovable ocelli, or compound eyes made up of numerous ocelli. See Ocellus. – The faculty of seeing; power or range of vision; hence, judgment or taste in the use of the eye, and in judging of objects; as, to have the eye of sailor; an eye for the beautiful or picturesque. – The action of the organ of sight; sight, look; view; ocular knowledge; judgment; opinion. – The space commanded by the organ of sight; scope of vision; hence, face; front; the presence of an object which is directly opposed or confronted; immediate presence. – Observation; oversight; watch; inspection; notice; attention; regard. – That which resembles the organ of sight, in form, position, or appearance – The spots on a feather, as of peacock. – The scar to which the adductor muscle is attached in oysters and other bivalve shells; also, the adductor muscle itself, esp. when used as food, as in the scallop. – The bud or sprout of a plant or tuber; as the eye of a potato. – The center of a target; the bull’s-eye. – A small loop to receive a hook; as hooks and eyes on a dress. – The hole through the head of a needle. – A loop forming part of anything, or a hole through anything, to receive a rope, hook, pin, shaft, etc.; as an eye at the end of a tie bar in a bridge truss; as an eye through a crank; an eye at the end of rope. – The hole through the upper millstone. – That which resembles the eye in relative importance or beauty. – Tinge; shade of color. – To fix the eye on; to look on; to view; to observe; particularly, to observe or watch narrowly, or with fixed attention; to hold in view. – To appear; to look. |
Farm | The rent of land, — originally paid by reservation of part of its products. – The term or tenure of a lease of land for cultivation; a leasehold. – The land held under lease and by payment of rent for the purpose of cultivation. – Any tract of land devoted to agricultural purposes, under the management of a tenant or the owner. – A district of country leased (or farmed) out for the collection of the revenues of government. – A lease of the imposts on particular goods; as, the sugar farm, the silk farm. – To lease or let for an equivalent, as land for a rent; to yield the use of to proceeds. – To give up to another, as an estate, a business, the revenue, etc., on condition of receiving in return a percentage of what it yields; as, to farm the taxes. – To take at a certain rent or rate. – To devote (land) to agriculture; to cultivate, as land; to till, as a farm. – To engage in the business of tilling the soil; to labor as a farmer. |
Farmer | One who farms – One who hires and cultivates a farm; a cultivator of leased ground; a tenant. – One who is devoted to the tillage of the soil; one who cultivates a farm; an agriculturist; a husbandman. – One who takes taxes, customs, excise, or other duties, to collect, either paying a fixed annuual rent for the privilege; as, a farmer of the revenues. – The lord of the field, or one who farms the lot and cope of the crown. |
Father | One who has begotten a child, whether son or daughter; a generator; a male parent. – A male ancestor more remote than a parent; a progenitor; especially, a first ancestor; a founder of a race or family; — in the plural, fathers, ancestors. – One who performs the offices of a parent by maintenance, affetionate care, counsel, or protection. – A respectful mode of address to an old man. – A senator of ancient Rome. – A dignitary of the church, a superior of a convent, a confessor (called also father confessor), or a priest; also, the eldest member of a profession, or of a legislative assembly, etc. – One of the chief esslesiastical authorities of the first centuries after Christ; — often spoken of collectively as the Fathers; as, the Latin, Greek, or apostolic Fathers. – One who, or that which, gives origin; an originator; a producer, author, or contriver; the first to practice any art, profession, or occupation; a distinguished example or teacher. – The Supreme Being and Creator; God; in theology, the first person in the Trinity. – To make one’s self the father of; to beget. – To take as one’s own child; to adopt; hence, to assume as one’s own work; to acknowledge one’s self author of or responsible for (a statement, policy, etc.). – To provide with a father. |
Feet | See Foot. – Fact; performance. – That which corresponds to the foot of a man or animal; as, the foot of a table; the foot of a stocking. – The lowest part or base; the ground part; the bottom, as of a mountain or column; also, the last of a row or series; the end or extremity, esp. if associated with inferiority; as, the foot of a hill; the foot of the procession; the foot of a class; the foot of the bed. – Fundamental principle; basis; plan; — used only in the singular. – Recognized condition; rank; footing; — used only in the singular. – A measure of length equivalent to twelve inches; one third of a yard. See Yard. – Soldiers who march and fight on foot; the infantry, usually designated as the foot, in distinction from the cavalry. – A combination of syllables consisting a metrical element of a verse, the syllables being formerly distinguished by their quantity or length, but in modern poetry by the accent. – The lower edge of a sail. – To tread to measure or music; to dance; to trip; to skip. – To walk; — opposed to ride or fly. – To kick with the foot; to spurn. – To set on foot; to establish; to land. – To tread; as, to foot the green. – To sum up, as the numbers in a column; — sometimes with up; as, to foot (or foot up) an account. – The size or strike with the talon. – To renew the foot of, as of stocking. |
Fire | The evolution of light and heat in the combustion of bodies; combustion; state of ignition. – Fuel in a state of combustion, as on a hearth, or in a stove or a furnace. – The burning of a house or town; a conflagration. – Anything which destroys or affects like fire. – Ardor of passion, whether love or hate; excessive warmth; consuming violence of temper. – Liveliness of imagination or fancy; intellectual and moral enthusiasm; capacity for ardor and zeal. – Splendor; brilliancy; luster; hence, a star. – Torture by burning; severe trial or affliction. – The discharge of firearms; firing; as, the troops were exposed to a heavy fire. – To set on fire; to kindle; as, to fire a house or chimney; to fire a pile. – To subject to intense heat; to bake; to burn in a kiln; as, to fire pottery. – To inflame; to irritate, as the passions; as, to fire the soul with anger, pride, or revenge. – To animate; to give life or spirit to; as, to fire the genius of a young man. – To feed or serve the fire of; as, to fire a boiler. – To light up as if by fire; to illuminate. – To cause to explode; as, to fire a torpedo; to disharge; as, to fire a musket or cannon; to fire cannon balls, rockets, etc. – To drive by fire. – To cauterize. – To take fire; to be kindled; to kindle. – To be irritated or inflamed with passion. – To discharge artillery or firearms; as, they fired on the town. |
Fish | A counter, used in various games. – of Fish – A name loosely applied in popular usage to many animals of diverse characteristics, living in the water. – An oviparous, vertebrate animal usually having fins and a covering scales or plates. It breathes by means of gills, and lives almost entirely in the water. See Pisces. – The twelfth sign of the zodiac; Pisces. – The flesh of fish, used as food. – A purchase used to fish the anchor. – A piece of timber, somewhat in the form of a fish, used to strengthen a mast or yard. – To attempt to catch fish; to be employed in taking fish, by any means, as by angling or drawing a net. – To seek to obtain by artifice, or indirectly to seek to draw forth; as, to fish for compliments. – To catch; to draw out or up; as, to fish up an anchor. – To search by raking or sweeping. – To try with a fishing rod; to catch fish in; as, to fish a stream. – To strengthen (a beam, mast, etc.), or unite end to end (two timbers, railroad rails, etc.) by bolting a plank, timber, or plate to the beam, mast, or timbers, lengthwise on one or both sides. See Fish joint, under Fish, n. |
Floor | The bottom or lower part of any room; the part upon which we stand and upon which the movables in the room are supported. – The structure formed of beams, girders, etc., with proper covering, which divides a building horizontally into stories. Floor in sense 1 is, then, the upper surface of floor in sense 2. – The surface, or the platform, of a structure on which we walk or travel; as, the floor of a bridge. – A story of a building. See Story. – The part of the house assigned to the members. – The right to speak. – That part of the bottom of a vessel on each side of the keelson which is most nearly horizontal. – The rock underlying a stratified or nearly horizontal deposit. – A horizontal, flat ore body. – To cover with a floor; to furnish with a floor; as, to floor a house with pine boards. – To strike down or lay level with the floor; to knock down; hence, to silence by a conclusive answer or retort; as, to floor an opponent. – To finish or make an end of; as, to floor a college examination. |
Flower | In the popular sense, the bloom or blossom of a plant; the showy portion, usually of a different color, shape, and texture from the foliage. – That part of a plant destined to produce seed, and hence including one or both of the sexual organs; an organ or combination of the organs of reproduction, whether inclosed by a circle of foliar parts or not. A complete flower consists of two essential parts, the stamens and the pistil, and two floral envelopes, the corolla and callyx. In mosses the flowers consist of a few special leaves surrounding or subtending organs called archegonia. See Blossom, and Corolla. – The fairest, freshest, and choicest part of anything; as, the flower of an army, or of a family; the state or time of freshness and bloom; as, the flower of life, that is, youth. – Grain pulverized; meal; flour. – A substance in the form of a powder, especially when condensed from sublimation; as, the flowers of sulphur. – A figure of speech; an ornament of style. – Ornamental type used chiefly for borders around pages, cards, etc. – Menstrual discharges. – To blossom; to bloom; to expand the petals, as a plant; to produce flowers; as, this plant flowers in June. – To come into the finest or fairest condition. – To froth; to ferment gently, as new beer. – To come off as flowers by sublimation. – To embellish with flowers; to adorn with imitated flowers; as, flowered silk. |
Game | Crooked; lame; as, a game leg. – Sport of any kind; jest, frolic. – A contest, physical or mental, according to certain rules, for amusement, recreation, or for winning a stake; as, a game of chance; games of skill; field games, etc. – The use or practice of such a game; a single match at play; a single contest; as, a game at cards. – That which is gained, as the stake in a game; also, the number of points necessary to be scored in order to win a game; as, in short whist five points are game. – In some games, a point credited on the score to the player whose cards counts up the highest. – A scheme or art employed in the pursuit of an object or purpose; method of procedure; projected line of operations; plan; project. – Animals pursued and taken by sportsmen; wild meats designed for, or served at, table. – Having a resolute, unyielding spirit, like the gamecock; ready to fight to the last; plucky. – Of or pertaining to such animals as are hunted for game, or to the act or practice of hunting. – To rejoice; to be pleased; — often used, in Old English, impersonally with dative. – To play at any sport or diversion. – To play for a stake or prize; to use cards, dice, billiards, or other instruments, according to certain rules, with a view to win money or other thing waged upon the issue of the contest; to gamble. |
Garden | A piece of ground appropriated to the cultivation of herbs, fruits, flowers, or vegetables. – A rich, well-cultivated spot or tract of country. – To lay out or cultivate a garden; to labor in a garden; to practice horticulture. – To cultivate as a garden. |
Girl | A young person of either sex; a child. – A female child, from birth to the age of puberty; a young maiden. – A female servant; a maidservant. – A roebuck two years old. |
Good | Possessing desirable qualities; adapted to answer the end designed; promoting success, welfare, or happiness; serviceable; useful; fit; excellent; admirable; commendable; not bad, corrupt, evil, noxious, offensive, or troublesome, etc. – Possessing moral excellence or virtue; virtuous; pious; religious; — said of persons or actions. – Kind; benevolent; humane; merciful; gracious; polite; propitious; friendly; well-disposed; — often followed by to or toward, also formerly by unto. – Serviceable; suited; adapted; suitable; of use; to be relied upon; — followed especially by for. – Clever; skillful; dexterous; ready; handy; — followed especially by at. – Adequate; sufficient; competent; sound; not fallacious; valid; in a commercial sense, to be depended on for the discharge of obligations incurred; having pecuniary ability; of unimpaired credit. – Real; actual; serious; as in the phrases in good earnest; in good sooth. – Not small, insignificant, or of no account; considerable; esp., in the phrases a good deal, a good way, a good degree, a good share or part, etc. – Not lacking or deficient; full; complete. – Not blemished or impeached; fair; honorable; unsullied; as in the phrases a good name, a good report, good repute, etc. – That which possesses desirable qualities, promotes success, welfare, or happiness, is serviceable, fit, excellent, kind, benevolent, etc.; — opposed to evil. – Advancement of interest or happiness; welfare; prosperity; advantage; benefit; — opposed to harm, etc. – Wares; commodities; chattels; — formerly used in the singular in a collective sense. In law, a comprehensive name for almost all personal property as distinguished from land or real property. – Well, — especially in the phrase as good, with a following as expressed or implied; equally well with as much advantage or as little harm as possible. – To make good; to turn to good. – To manure; to improve. |
Grass | Popularly: Herbage; the plants which constitute the food of cattle and other beasts; pasture. – An endogenous plant having simple leaves, a stem generally jointed and tubular, the husks or glumes in pairs, and the seed single. – The season of fresh grass; spring. – Metaphorically used for what is transitory. – To cover with grass or with turf. – To expose, as flax, on the grass for bleaching, etc. – To bring to the grass or ground; to land; as, to grass a fish. – To produce grass. |
Hill | A natural elevation of land, or a mass of earth rising above the common level of the surrounding land; an eminence less than a mountain. – The earth raised about the roots of a plant or cluster of plants. [U. S.] See Hill, v. t. – A single cluster or group of plants growing close together, and having the earth heaped up about them; as, a hill of corn or potatoes. – To surround with earth; to heap or draw earth around or upon; as, to hill corn. |
Home | See Homelyn. – One’s own dwelling place; the house in which one lives; esp., the house in which one lives with his family; the habitual abode of one’s family; also, one’s birthplace. – One’s native land; the place or country in which one dwells; the place where one’s ancestors dwell or dwelt. – The abiding place of the affections, especially of the domestic affections. – The locality where a thing is usually found, or was first found, or where it is naturally abundant; habitat; seat; as, the home of the pine. – A place of refuge and rest; an asylum; as, a home for outcasts; a home for the blind; hence, esp., the grave; the final rest; also, the native and eternal dwelling place of the soul. – The home base; he started for home. – Of or pertaining to one’s dwelling or country; domestic; not foreign; as home manufactures; home comforts. – Close; personal; pointed; as, a home thrust. – To one’s home or country; as in the phrases, go home, come home, carry home. – Close; closely. – To the place where it belongs; to the end of a course; to the full length; as, to drive a nail home; to ram a cartridge home. |
Horse | A hoofed quadruped of the genus Equus; especially, the domestic horse (E. caballus), which was domesticated in Egypt and Asia at a very early period. It has six broad molars, on each side of each jaw, with six incisors, and two canine teeth, both above and below. The mares usually have the canine teeth rudimentary or wanting. The horse differs from the true asses, in having a long, flowing mane, and the tail bushy to the base. Unlike the asses it has callosities, or chestnuts, on all its legs. The horse excels in strength, speed, docility, courage, and nobleness of character, and is used for drawing, carrying, bearing a rider, and like purposes. – The male of the genus horse, in distinction from the female or male; usually, a castrated male. – Mounted soldiery; cavalry; — used without the plural termination; as, a regiment of horse; — distinguished from foot. – A frame with legs, used to support something; as, a clotheshorse, a sawhorse, etc. – A frame of timber, shaped like a horse, on which soldiers were made to ride for punishment. – Anything, actual or figurative, on which one rides as on a horse; a hobby. – A mass of earthy matter, or rock of the same character as the wall rock, occurring in the course of a vein, as of coal or ore; hence, to take horse — said of a vein — is to divide into branches for a distance. – See Footrope, a. – A breastband for a leadsman. – An iron bar for a sheet traveler to slide upon. – A jackstay. – To provide with a horse, or with horses; to mount on, or as on, a horse. – To sit astride of; to bestride. – To cover, as a mare; — said of the male. – To take or carry on the back; as, the keeper, horsing a deer. – To place on the back of another, or on a wooden horse, etc., to be flogged; to subject to such punishment. – To get on horseback. |
Kitty | Cat or kitten. |
Leg | A limb or member of an animal used for supporting the body, and in running, climbing, and swimming; esp., that part of the limb between the knee and foot. – That which resembles a leg in form or use; especially, any long and slender support on which any object rests; as, the leg of a table; the leg of a pair of compasses or dividers. – The part of any article of clothing which covers the leg; as, the leg of a stocking or of a pair of trousers. – A bow, esp. in the phrase to make a leg; probably from drawing the leg backward in bowing. – A disreputable sporting character; a blackleg. – The course and distance made by a vessel on one tack or between tacks. – An extension of the boiler downward, in the form of a narrow space between vertical plates, sometimes nearly surrounding the furnace and ash pit, and serving to support the boiler; — called also water leg. – The case containing the lower part of the belt which carries the buckets. – A fielder whose position is on the outside, a little in rear of the batter. – To use as a leg, with it as object – To bow. – To run. |
Letter | One who lets or permits; one who lets anything for hire. – One who retards or hinders. – A mark or character used as the representative of a sound, or of an articulation of the human organs of speech; a first element of written language. – A written or printed communication; a message expressed in intelligible characters on something adapted to conveyance, as paper, parchment, etc.; an epistle. – A writing; an inscription. – Verbal expression; literal statement or meaning; exact signification or requirement. – A single type; type, collectively; a style of type. – Learning; erudition; as, a man of letters. – A letter; an epistle. – To impress with letters; to mark with letters or words; as, a book gilt and lettered. |
Man | A human being; — opposed tobeast. – Especially: An adult male person; a grown-up male person, as distinguished from a woman or a child. – The human race; mankind. – The male portion of the human race. – One possessing in a high degree the distinctive qualities of manhood; one having manly excellence of any kind. – An adult male servant; also, a vassal; a subject. – A term of familiar address often implying on the part of the speaker some degree of authority, impatience, or haste; as, Come, man, we ‘ve no time to lose! – A married man; a husband; — correlative to wife. – One, or any one, indefinitely; — a modified survival of the Saxon use of man, or mon, as an indefinite pronoun. – One of the piece with which certain games, as chess or draughts, are played. – To supply with men; to furnish with a sufficient force or complement of men, as for management, service, defense, or the like; to guard; as, to man a ship, boat, or fort. – To furnish with strength for action; to prepare for efficiency; to fortify. – To tame, as a hawk. – To furnish with a servants. – To wait on as a manservant. |
Men | pl. of Man. – A man; one; — used with a verb in the singular, and corresponding to the present indefinite one or they. – The human race; mankind. – The male portion of the human race. – One possessing in a high degree the distinctive qualities of manhood; one having manly excellence of any kind. – An adult male servant; also, a vassal; a subject. – A term of familiar address often implying on the part of the speaker some degree of authority, impatience, or haste; as, Come, man, we ‘ve no time to lose! – A married man; a husband; — correlative to wife. – One, or any one, indefinitely; — a modified survival of the Saxon use of man, or mon, as an indefinite pronoun. – One of the piece with which certain games, as chess or draughts, are played. – To supply with men; to furnish with a sufficient force or complement of men, as for management, service, defense, or the like; to guard; as, to man a ship, boat, or fort. – To furnish with strength for action; to prepare for efficiency; to fortify. – To tame, as a hawk. – To furnish with a servants. – To wait on as a manservant. |
Milk | A white fluid secreted by the mammary glands of female mammals for the nourishment of their young, consisting of minute globules of fat suspended in a solution of casein, albumin, milk sugar, and inorganic salts. – A kind of juice or sap, usually white in color, found in certain plants; latex. See Latex. – An emulsion made by bruising seeds; as, the milk of almonds, produced by pounding almonds with sugar and water. – The ripe, undischarged spat of an oyster. – To draw or press milk from the breasts or udder of, by the hand or mouth; to withdraw the milk of. – To draw from the breasts or udder; to extract, as milk; as, to milk wholesome milk from healthy cows. – To draw anything from, as if by milking; to compel to yield profit or advantage; to plunder. – To draw or to yield milk. |
Money | A piece of metal, as gold, silver, copper, etc., coined, or stamped, and issued by the sovereign authority as a medium of exchange in financial transactions between citizens and with government; also, any number of such pieces; coin. – Any written or stamped promise, certificate, or order, as a government note, a bank note, a certificate of deposit, etc., which is payable in standard coined money and is lawfully current in lieu of it; in a comprehensive sense, any currency usually and lawfully employed in buying and selling. – In general, wealth; property; as, he has much money in land, or in stocks; to make, or lose, money. – To supply with money. |
Morning | Pertaining to the first part or early part of the day; being in the early part of the day; as, morning dew; morning light; morning service. |
Mother | A female parent; especially, one of the human race; a woman who has borne a child. – That which has produced or nurtured anything; source of birth or origin; generatrix. – An old woman or matron. – The female superior or head of a religious house, as an abbess, etc. – Hysterical passion; hysteria. – Received by birth or from ancestors; native, natural; as, mother language; also acting the part, or having the place of a mother; producing others; originating. – To adopt as a son or daughter; to perform the duties of a mother to. – A film or membrane which is developed on the surface of fermented alcoholic liquids, such as vinegar, wine, etc., and acts as a means of conveying the oxygen of the air to the alcohol and other combustible principles of the liquid, thus leading to their oxidation. – To become like, or full of, mother, or thick matter, as vinegar. |
Name | The title by which any person or thing is known or designated; a distinctive specific appellation, whether of an individual or a class. – A descriptive or qualifying appellation given to a person or thing, on account of a character or acts. – Reputed character; reputation, good or bad; estimation; fame; especially, illustrious character or fame; honorable estimation; distinction. – Those of a certain name; a race; a family. – A person, an individual. – To give a distinctive name or appellation to; to entitle; to denominate; to style; to call. – To mention by name; to utter or publish the name of; to refer to by distinctive title; to mention. – To designate by name or specifically for any purpose; to nominate; to specify; to appoint; as, to name a day for the wedding. – To designate (a member) by name, as the Speaker does by way of reprimand. |
Nest | The bed or receptacle prepared by a fowl for holding her eggs and for hatching and rearing her young. – Hence: the place in which the eggs of other animals, as insects, turtles, etc., are laid and hatched; a snug place in which young animals are reared. – A snug, comfortable, or cozy residence or situation; a retreat, or place of habitual resort; hence, those who occupy a nest, frequent a haunt, or are associated in the same pursuit; as, a nest of traitors; a nest of bugs. – An aggregated mass of any ore or mineral, in an isolated state, within a rock. – A collection of boxes, cases, or the like, of graduated size, each put within the one next larger. – A compact group of pulleys, gears, springs, etc., working together or collectively. – To build and occupy a nest. – To put into a nest; to form a nest for. |
Night | That part of the natural day when the sun is beneath the horizon, or the time from sunset to sunrise; esp., the time between dusk and dawn, when there is no light of the sun, but only moonlight, starlight, or artificial light. – Darkness; obscurity; concealment. – Intellectual and moral darkness; ignorance. – A state of affliction; adversity; as, a dreary night of sorrow. – The period after the close of life; death. – A lifeless or unenlivened period, as when nature seems to sleep. |
Paper | A substance in the form of thin sheets or leaves intended to be written or printed on, or to be used in wrapping. It is made of rags, straw, bark, wood, or other fibrous material, which is first reduced to pulp, then molded, pressed, and dried. – A sheet, leaf, or piece of such substance. – A printed or written instrument; a document, essay, or the like; a writing; as, a paper read before a scientific society. – A printed sheet appearing periodically; a newspaper; a journal; as, a daily paper. – Negotiable evidences of indebtedness; notes; bills of exchange, and the like; as, the bank holds a large amount of his paper. – Decorated hangings or coverings for walls, made of paper. See Paper hangings, below. – A paper containing (usually) a definite quantity; as, a paper of pins, tacks, opium, etc. – A medicinal preparation spread upon paper, intended for external application; as, cantharides paper. – Of or pertaining to paper; made of paper; resembling paper; existing only on paper; unsubstantial; as, a paper box; a paper army. – To cover with paper; to furnish with paper hangings; as, to paper a room or a house. – To fold or inclose in paper. – To put on paper; to make a memorandum of. |
Party | A part or portion. – A number of persons united in opinion or action, as distinguished from, or opposed to, the rest of a community or association; esp., one of the parts into which a people is divided on questions of public policy. – A part of a larger body of company; a detachment; especially (Mil.), a small body of troops dispatched on special service. – A number of persons invited to a social entertainment; a select company; as, a dinner party; also, the entertainment itself; as, to give a party. – One concerned or interested in an affair; one who takes part with others; a participator; as, he was a party to the plot; a party to the contract. – The plaintiff or the defendant in a lawsuit, whether an individual, a firm, or corporation; a litigant. – Hence, any certain person who is regarded as being opposed or antagonistic to another. – Cause; side; interest. – A person; as, he is a queer party. – Parted or divided, as in the direction or form of one of the ordinaries; as, an escutcheon party per pale. – Partial; favoring one party. – Partly. |
Picture | The art of painting; representation by painting. – A representation of anything (as a person, a landscape, a building) upon canvas, paper, or other surface, produced by means of painting, drawing, engraving, photography, etc.; a representation in colors. By extension, a figure; a model. – An image or resemblance; a representation, either to the eye or to the mind; that which, by its likeness, brings vividly to mind some other thing; as, a child is the picture of his father; the man is the picture of grief. – To draw or paint a resemblance of; to delineate; to represent; to form or present an ideal likeness of; to bring before the mind. |
Pig | A piggin. – The young of swine, male or female; also, any swine; a hog. – Any wild species of the genus Sus and related genera. – An oblong mass of cast iron, lead, or other metal. See Mine pig, under Mine. – One who is hoggish; a greedy person. – To bring forth (pigs); to bring forth in the manner of pigs; to farrow. – To huddle or lie together like pigs, in one bed. |
Rabbit | Any of the smaller species of the genus Lepus, especially the common European species (Lepus cuniculus), which is often kept as a pet, and has been introduced into many countries. It is remarkably prolific, and has become a pest in some parts of Australia and New Zealand. |
Rain | Reign. – Water falling in drops from the clouds; the descent of water from the clouds in drops. – To fall in drops from the clouds, as water; — used mostly with it for a nominative; as, it rains. – To fall or drop like water from the clouds; as, tears rained from their eyes. – To pour or shower down from above, like rain from the clouds. – To bestow in a profuse or abundant manner; as, to rain favors upon a person. |
Robin | A small European singing bird (Erythacus rubecula), having a reddish breast; — called also robin redbreast, robinet, and ruddock. – An American singing bird (Merula migratoria), having the breast chestnut, or dull red. The upper parts are olive-gray, the head and tail blackish. Called also robin redbreast, and migratory thrush. – Any one of several species of Australian warblers of the genera Petroica, Melanadrays, and allied genera; as, the scarlet-breasted robin (Petroica mullticolor). – Any one of several Asiatic birds; as, the Indian robins. See Indian robin, below. |
Santa | Santa Claus. |
School | A shoal; a multitude; as, a school of fish. – A place for learned intercourse and instruction; an institution for learning; an educational establishment; a place for acquiring knowledge and mental training; as, the school of the prophets. – A place of primary instruction; an establishment for the instruction of children; as, a primary school; a common school; a grammar school. – A session of an institution of instruction. – One of the seminaries for teaching logic, metaphysics, and theology, which were formed in the Middle Ages, and which were characterized by academical disputations and subtilties of reasoning. – The room or hall in English universities where the examinations for degrees and honors are held. – An assemblage of scholars; those who attend upon instruction in a school of any kind; a body of pupils. – The disciples or followers of a teacher; those who hold a common doctrine, or accept the same teachings; a sect or denomination in philosophy, theology, science, medicine, politics, etc. – The canons, precepts, or body of opinion or practice, sanctioned by the authority of a particular class or age; as, he was a gentleman of the old school. – Figuratively, any means of knowledge or discipline; as, the school of experience. – To train in an institution of learning; to educate at a school; to teach. – To tutor; to chide and admonish; to reprove; to subject to systematic discipline; to train. |
Seed | of Seed – A ripened ovule, consisting of an embryo with one or more integuments, or coverings; as, an apple seed; a currant seed. By germination it produces a new plant. – Any small seedlike fruit, though it may consist of a pericarp, or even a calyx, as well as the seed proper; as, parsnip seed; thistle seed. – The generative fluid of the male; semen; sperm; — not used in the plural. – That from which anything springs; first principle; original; source; as, the seeds of virtue or vice. – The principle of production. – Progeny; offspring; children; descendants; as, the seed of Abraham; the seed of David. – Race; generation; birth. – To sprinkle with seed; to plant seeds in; to sow; as, to seed a field. – To cover thinly with something scattered; to ornament with seedlike decorations. |
Sheep | Any one of several species of ruminants of the genus Ovis, native of the higher mountains of both hemispheres, but most numerous in Asia. – A weak, bashful, silly fellow. – Fig.: The people of God, as being under the government and protection of Christ, the great Shepherd. |
Shoe | A covering for the human foot, usually made of leather, having a thick and somewhat stiff sole and a lighter top. It differs from a boot on not extending so far up the leg. – Anything resembling a shoe in form, position, or use. – A plate or rim of iron nailed to the hoof of an animal to defend it from injury. – A band of iron or steel, or a ship of wood, fastened to the bottom of the runner of a sleigh, or any vehicle which slides on the snow. – A drag, or sliding piece of wood or iron, placed under the wheel of a loaded vehicle, to retard its motion in going down a hill. – The part of a railroad car brake which presses upon the wheel to retard its motion. – A trough-shaped or spout-shaped member, put at the bottom of the water leader coming from the eaves gutter, so as to throw the water off from the building. – The trough or spout for conveying the grain from the hopper to the eye of the millstone. – An inclined trough in an ore-crushing mill. – An iron socket or plate to take the thrust of a strut or rafter. – An iron socket to protect the point of a wooden pile. – A plate, or notched piece, interposed between a moving part and the stationary part on which it bears, to take the wear and afford means of adjustment; — called also slipper, and gib. – To furnish with a shoe or shoes; to put a shoe or shoes on; as, to shoe a horse, a sled, an anchor. – To protect or ornament with something which serves the purpose of a shoe; to tip. |
Sister | A female who has the same parents with another person, or who has one of them only. In the latter case, she is more definitely called a half sister. The correlative of brother. – A woman who is closely allied to, or assocciated with, another person, as in the sdame faith, society, order, or community. – One of the same kind, or of the same condition; — generally used adjectively; as, sister fruits. – To be sister to; to resemble closely. |
Snow | A square-rigged vessel, differing from a brig only in that she has a trysail mast close abaft the mainmast, on which a large trysail is hoisted. – Watery particles congealed into white or transparent crystals or flakes in the air, and falling to the earth, exhibiting a great variety of very beautiful and perfect forms. – Fig.: Something white like snow, as the white color (argent) in heraldry; something which falls in, or as in, flakes. – To fall in or as snow; — chiefly used impersonally; as, it snows; it snowed yesterday. – To scatter like snow; to cover with, or as with, snow. |
Song | That which is sung or uttered with musical modulations of the voice, whether of a human being or of a bird, insect, etc. – A lyrical poem adapted to vocal music; a ballad. – More generally, any poetical strain; a poem. – Poetical composition; poetry; verse. – An object of derision; a laughingstock. – A trifle. |
Squirrel | Any one of numerous species of small rodents belonging to the genus Sciurus and several allied genera of the family Sciuridae. Squirrels generally have a bushy tail, large erect ears, and strong hind legs. They are commonly arboreal in their habits, but many species live in burrows. – One of the small rollers of a carding machine which work with the large cylinder. |
Street | Originally, a paved way or road; a public highway; now commonly, a thoroughfare in a city or village, bordered by dwellings or business houses. |
Sun | See Sunn. – The luminous orb, the light of which constitutes day, and its absence night; the central body round which the earth and planets revolve, by which they are held in their orbits, and from which they receive light and heat. Its mean distance from the earth is about 92,500,000 miles, and its diameter about 860,000. – Any heavenly body which forms the center of a system of orbs. – The direct light or warmth of the sun; sunshine. – That which resembles the sun, as in splendor or importance; any source of light, warmth, or animation. – To expose to the sun’s rays; to warm or dry in the sun; as, to sun cloth; to sun grain. |
Thing | Whatever exists, or is conceived to exist, as a separate entity, whether animate or inanimate; any separable or distinguishable object of thought. – An inanimate object, in distinction from a living being; any lifeless material. – A transaction or occurrence; an event; a deed. – A portion or part; something. – A diminutive or slighted object; any object viewed as merely existing; — often used in pity or contempt. – Clothes; furniture; appurtenances; luggage; as, to pack or store one’s things. – Whatever may be possessed or owned; a property; — distinguished from person. – In Scandinavian countries, a legislative or judicial assembly. |
Time | Duration, considered independently of any system of measurement or any employment of terms which designate limited portions thereof. – A particular period or part of duration, whether past, present, or future; a point or portion of duration; as, the time was, or has been; the time is, or will be. – The period at which any definite event occurred, or person lived; age; period; era; as, the Spanish Armada was destroyed in the time of Queen Elizabeth; — often in the plural; as, ancient times; modern times. – The duration of one’s life; the hours and days which a person has at his disposal. – A proper time; a season; an opportunity. – Hour of travail, delivery, or parturition. – Performance or occurrence of an action or event, considered with reference to repetition; addition of a number to itself; repetition; as, to double cloth four times; four times four, or sixteen. – The present life; existence in this world as contrasted with immortal life; definite, as contrasted with infinite, duration. – Tense. – The measured duration of sounds; measure; tempo; rate of movement; rhythmical division; as, common or triple time; the musician keeps good time. – To appoint the time for; to bring, begin, or perform at the proper season or time; as, he timed his appearance rightly. – To regulate as to time; to accompany, or agree with, in time of movement. – To ascertain or record the time, duration, or rate of; as, to time the speed of horses, or hours for workmen. – To measure, as in music or harmony. – To keep or beat time; to proceed or move in time. – To pass time; to delay. |
Top | A child’s toy, commonly in the form of a conoid or pear, made to spin on its point, usually by drawing off a string wound round its surface or stem, the motion being sometimes continued by means of a whip. – A plug, or conical block of wood, with longitudital grooves on its surface, in which the strands of the rope slide in the process of twisting. – The highest part of anything; the upper end, edge, or extremity; the upper side or surface; summit; apex; vertex; cover; lid; as, the top of a spire; the top of a house; the top of a mountain; the top of the ground. – The utmost degree; the acme; the summit. – The highest rank; the most honorable position; the utmost attainable place; as, to be at the top of one’s class, or at the top of the school. – The chief person; the most prominent one. – The crown of the head, or the hair upon it; the head. – The head, or upper part, of a plant. – A platform surrounding the head of the lower mast and projecting on all sudes. It serves to spead the topmast rigging, thus strengheningthe mast, and also furnishes a convenient standing place for the men aloft. – A bundle or ball of slivers of comkbed wool, from which the noils, or dust, have been taken out. – Eve; verge; point. – The part of a cut gem between the girdle, or circumference, and the table, or flat upper surface. – Top-boots. – To rise aloft; to be eminent; to tower; as, lofty ridges and topping mountains. – To predominate; as, topping passions. – To excel; to rise above others. – To cover on the top; to tip; to cap; — chiefly used in the past participle. – To rise above; to excel; to outgo; to surpass. – To rise to the top of; to go over the top of. – To take off the or upper part of; to crop. – To perform eminently, or better than before. – To raise one end of, as a yard, so that that end becomes higher than the other. |
Toy | A plaything for children; a bawble. – A thing for amusement, but of no real value; an article of trade of little value; a trifle. – A wild fancy; an odd conceit; idle sport; folly; trifling opinion. – Amorous dalliance; play; sport; pastime. – An old story; a silly tale. – A headdress of linen or woolen, that hangs down over the shoulders, worn by old women of the lower classes; — called also toy mutch. – To dally amorously; to trifle; to play. – To treat foolishly. |
Tree | Any perennial woody plant of considerable size (usually over twenty feet high) and growing with a single trunk. – Something constructed in the form of, or considered as resembling, a tree, consisting of a stem, or stock, and branches; as, a genealogical tree. – A piece of timber, or something commonly made of timber; — used in composition, as in axletree, boottree, chesstree, crosstree, whiffletree, and the like. – A cross or gallows; as Tyburn tree. – Wood; timber. – A mass of crystals, aggregated in arborescent forms, obtained by precipitation of a metal from solution. See Lead tree, under Lead. – To drive to a tree; to cause to ascend a tree; as, a dog trees a squirrel. – To place upon a tree; to fit with a tree; to stretch upon a tree; as, to tree a boot. See Tree, n., 3. |
Watch | The act of watching; forbearance of sleep; vigil; wakeful, vigilant, or constantly observant attention; close observation; guard; preservative or preventive vigilance; formerly, a watching or guarding by night. – One who watches, or those who watch; a watchman, or a body of watchmen; a sentry; a guard. – The post or office of a watchman; also, the place where a watchman is posted, or where a guard is kept. – The period of the night during which a person does duty as a sentinel, or guard; the time from the placing of a sentinel till his relief; hence, a division of the night. – A small timepiece, or chronometer, to be carried about the person, the machinery of which is moved by a spring. – An allotted portion of time, usually four hour for standing watch, or being on deck ready for duty. Cf. Dogwatch. – That part, usually one half, of the officers and crew, who together attend to the working of a vessel for an allotted time, usually four hours. The watches are designated as the port watch, and the starboard watch. – To be awake; to be or continue without sleep; to wake; to keep vigil. – To be attentive or vigilant; to give heed; to be on the lookout; to keep guard; to act as sentinel. – To be expectant; to look with expectation; to wait; to seek opportunity. – To remain awake with any one as nurse or attendant; to attend on the sick during the night; as, to watch with a man in a fever. – To serve the purpose of a watchman by floating properly in its place; — said of a buoy. – To give heed to; to observe the actions or motions of, for any purpose; to keep in view; not to lose from sight and observation; as, to watch the progress of a bill in the legislature. – To tend; to guard; to have in keeping. |
Water | The fluid which descends from the clouds in rain, and which forms rivers, lakes, seas, etc. – A body of water, standing or flowing; a lake, river, or other collection of water. – Any liquid secretion, humor, or the like, resembling water; esp., the urine. – A solution in water of a gaseous or readily volatile substance; as, ammonia water. – The limpidity and luster of a precious stone, especially a diamond; as, a diamond of the first water, that is, perfectly pure and transparent. Hence, of the first water, that is, of the first excellence. – A wavy, lustrous pattern or decoration such as is imparted to linen, silk, metals, etc. See Water, v. t., 3, Damask, v. t., and Damaskeen. – An addition to the shares representing the capital of a stock company so that the aggregate par value of the shares is increased while their value for investment is diminished, or “diluted.” – To wet or supply with water; to moisten; to overflow with water; to irrigate; as, to water land; to water flowers. – To supply with water for drink; to cause or allow to drink; as, to water cattle and horses. – To wet and calender, as cloth, so as to impart to it a lustrous appearance in wavy lines; to diversify with wavelike lines; as, to water silk. Cf. Water, n., 6. – To add water to (anything), thereby extending the quantity or bulk while reducing the strength or quality; to extend; to dilute; to weaken. – To shed, secrete, or fill with, water or liquid matter; as, his eyes began to water. – To get or take in water; as, the ship put into port to water. |
Way | Away. – That by, upon, or along, which one passes or processes; opportunity or room to pass; place of passing; passage; road, street, track, or path of any kind; as, they built a way to the mine. – Length of space; distance; interval; as, a great way; a long way. – A moving; passage; procession; journey. – Course or direction of motion or process; tendency of action; advance. – The means by which anything is reached, or anything is accomplished; scheme; device; plan. – Manner; method; mode; fashion; style; as, the way of expressing one’s ideas. – Regular course; habitual method of life or action; plan of conduct; mode of dealing. – Sphere or scope of observation. – Determined course; resolved mode of action or conduct; as, to have one’s way. – Progress; as, a ship has way. – The timbers on which a ship is launched. – The longitudinal guides, or guiding surfaces, on the bed of a planer, lathe, or the like, along which a table or carriage moves. – Right of way. See below. – To go or travel to; to go in, as a way or path. – To move; to progress; to go. |
Window | An opening in the wall of a building for the admission of light and air, usually closed by casements or sashes containing some transparent material, as glass, and capable of being opened and shut at pleasure. – The shutter, casement, sash with its fittings, or other framework, which closes a window opening. – A figure formed of lines crossing each other. – To furnish with windows. – To place at or in a window. |
Wood | Mad; insane; possessed; rabid; furious; frantic. – To grow mad; to act like a madman; to mad. – A large and thick collection of trees; a forest or grove; — frequently used in the plural. – The substance of trees and the like; the hard fibrous substance which composes the body of a tree and its branches, and which is covered by the bark; timber. – The fibrous material which makes up the greater part of the stems and branches of trees and shrubby plants, and is found to a less extent in herbaceous stems. It consists of elongated tubular or needle-shaped cells of various kinds, usually interwoven with the shinning bands called silver grain. – Trees cut or sawed for the fire or other uses. – To supply with wood, or get supplies of wood for; as, to wood a steamboat or a locomotive. – To take or get a supply of wood. |
These were the Dolch nouns. And this marks the end of the Dolch spelling series. Move on to the next featured list on Spelling Bee Ninja.