English Test – What vs Which

English Test What vs Which

What vs Which

1 / 10

_____ pen is yours, the blue one or the black one?

2 / 10

_____ of these colors do you prefer: red, green, or yellow?

3 / 10

_____ movie do you want to watch tonight?

4 / 10

_____ one would you recommend, the novel or the biography?

5 / 10

_____ type of cuisine do you prefer?

6 / 10

_____ is your main goal for the year?

7 / 10

_____ time works best for you, 3 p.m. or 4 p.m.?

8 / 10

_____ do you want to do today?

9 / 10

_____ is your favorite holiday?

10 / 10

_____ book are you currently reading?

Your score is

The average score is 70%



Introduction to Quiz on “What” vs. “Which”

Understanding the difference between “what” and “which” is essential for clear and precise English communication. While both words are question words or pronouns, they serve distinct roles based on context and specificity.
Typically, “what” is used when the question is broad or open-ended—one where any answer could be possible.
For example, in “What is your favorite food?” any type of food could be an acceptable answer. On the other hand, “which” is used to narrow the options down to a specific set of known choices. If you ask, “Which color do you prefer: red or blue?” you’re asking someone to choose between two given options.

Read more about the topic in this dedicated article: What vs Which, Differecnes and Examples

This quiz will help you determine if you can accurately choose between “what” and “which” based on the context.

Each question provides a sentence with multiple options to choose from, only one of which is correct. After each answer, you’ll find a brief explanation to reinforce your learning. Good luck!

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