English Test – Writing Numbers

English Test Writing Numbers
This entry is part 27 of 37 in the series ESL English Language Test

Writing Numbers

1 / 10

Which of the following is the correct way to write a time like 6:30?

2 / 10

When should you use a hyphen in writing numbers?

3 / 10

Which is the correct way to write a large number such as "1,000,000"?

4 / 10

What is the correct way to write a number at the beginning of a sentence?

5 / 10

How should a percentage be written in a formal document?

6 / 10

Which of the following numbers should be written in numerals rather than words?

7 / 10

How should fractions be written in formal writing?

8 / 10

When writing numbers in a sentence, which is correct?

9 / 10

Which of the following is the correct way to write "1530" in words?

10 / 10

When should you write out numbers in words instead of using numerals?

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The average score is 55%


Introduction to the Writing Numbers Quiz

Numbers play a vital role in everyday communication, and the ability to correctly express them in writing is crucial for both formal and informal contexts. Whether it’s writing a check, a formal letter, or just ensuring clarity in a conversation, knowing how to write numbers properly can prevent confusion.

The article “Rules for Writing Numbers-How to Write Numbers in Words” provides a comprehensive guide on the different rules for spelling out numbers. It covers various scenarios, such as when to use numerals, how to format large numbers, and how to write fractions or decimals. This guide is especially helpful for students, professionals, and anyone who frequently deals with written numbers.

This quiz is designed to test your understanding of these rules and help reinforce key concepts about writing numbers. By answering these 10 questions, you can assess how well you’ve absorbed the article’s lessons on when to use numerals versus words, the proper way to write large numbers, and special cases like fractions and percentages.

For each question, only one answer is correct, and after each question, we’ll provide a detailed explanation to help you learn from any mistakes or confirm your understanding.

Good luck!

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