English Test – Prepositions

English Test Prepositions
This entry is part 31 of 38 in the series ESL English Language Test


1 / 10

Choose the right preposition for direction:

2 / 10

Which is the correct preposition of movement?

3 / 10

Select the preposition of place:

4 / 10

Which preposition is correct for this sentence: "The plane flew ___ the clouds"?

5 / 10

Choose the right preposition of time:

6 / 10

Which sentence uses the correct preposition?

7 / 10

Select the right preposition of movement:

8 / 10

Which preposition best completes the sentence: "He is going ___ the gym"?

9 / 10

Choose the correct preposition for place:

10 / 10

Which sentence correctly uses the preposition of time?

Your score is

The average score is 53%


Introduction to the Prepositions Quiz

Mastering the use of prepositions in English is crucial for achieving fluency and accuracy. Prepositions are small but essential words that indicate relationships between other words in a sentence, often showing direction, time, location, or abstract connections. They can be tricky because their usage varies significantly depending on context. This quiz is designed to help you reinforce your understanding of prepositions based on the concepts discussed in the article How to Use Prepositions in English.

The article explains the main categories of prepositions—such as those of time (e.g., “at,” “on,” “in”), place (e.g., “under,” “above”), and movement (e.g., “to,” “from”)—as well as specific rules for their usage. By familiarizing yourself with the examples provided and taking this quiz, you’ll improve your ability to use prepositions correctly in various contexts.

The questions in this quiz challenge your knowledge of how and when to use prepositions properly. Each question offers multiple-choice answers, but only one is correct. Alongside each correct answer, you’ll find an explanation to deepen your understanding of the preposition’s role.

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