Fun activities using Rhyming Words list for k12

Fun ways to practice with Rhyming Words, with printable list and explanation for your lessons.

Fun activities using rhyming words.

When it comes to rhyming words, most people will recall their kindergarten experience. It is reasonable since rhyming words are mostly taught and used in nursery and other preschool educational contexts. If you plan to introduce words to children, this is rhyming words list that is worth trying. There are also several explanations and enjoyable activities to do with rhyming words below.

What are rhyming words?

Before coming directly to the rhyming words list, it will be better to know what rhyming words are. In a simple definition, they are words that have a similar sound or at least the ending sound. When you say them, it sounds like a similar sound repetition. The spelling is also similar yet not wholly.

The rhyming word list

There are thousands of rhyming words, and they are usually grouped based on the similar sound they have. Furthermore, they can also be grouped into their associated meanings such as foods, animals, sports, body parts, and many more. These are the examples

Rhyming words

All–Ball–Call Lip–Hip–Sip
Bear–Bare–Beer Map–Sap–Lap
Chickpeas–Cheese–Sneeze Nine–Wine-Fine
Days–Daze–Haze Owl–Foul–Towel
Email–Detail–Trail Pet–Met–Net
Flee–Flea Read– Red–Bed
Goose–Moose–Snooze Shin–Chin–Pin
Happy–Nappy–Puppy Three–Tree–Tee
Jay–Ray–Hay Very–Vary
Kick–Pick–Lick Wit–Hit–Sit
Print Table

Ending in ‘at’


Rhyming words of Love


Rhyming words in foods category

Crème brûlée-curds and whey-fish fillet-Milky Way-parfait-pâté-puree-sorbet-souffle

Musical instrument category


Rhyming numbers and letters






Fun activities to teach rhyming words to children

After seeing the rhyming words listed above, you can make rhyming groups based on various categories. The similarity (in terms of meanings or sounds) helps children to remember and understand the words. At first, they might not still be aware of the rhyme, so they need to be introduced based on the 4 stages of rhyming. The stages include identifying rhyme, matching rhyming words, finding the oddity, and producing rhyme.

You can organize several activities in sequence to the stages. As a reference, here are several fun rhyming activities that children will enjoy:

  • Singing rhyming words: As an introduction you can use random words that rhyme together, later you can involve some categories.
  • Rhyming hide and seek: using pictures or flashcards that are hidden in various spots in the room, ask children to find the cards that rhyme with the cards that they are given.
  • Rhyming splat: give a fly swat to children and place some rhyming word cards with one that doesn’t rhyme. Ask the children to splat the odd one. This will be more fun if held in a competition.
  • Rhyming word trains: create a series of rhyming words together with children. You can do it by writing or singing.


This type of learning enhances children’s language development, especially their listening and speaking skills. Start by using common and simple from the rhyming words list as children need time to process the words. Teaching rhyming words through the mentioned stages is recommended. So have fun rhyming with little ones.